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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. 36-38? as in chest size? what is that a xs? might buy it for my kid if it is small enough.
  2. I have a set of the first gear ht pant very similar to these. They are great for colder weather riding and wet weather riding. These would offer good protection in the case of a fall. Leather would offer better protection but are not as warm or waterproof. Buy them josh they will extend your riding season in comfort for the colder months. free bump for a good deal.
  3. Another bike for Josh to look at LOL!
  4. Ok so the date is set for the 25th. So let's start getting a list together of who is going to make it for the ride.
  5. Glad to see you are on your way back to being on a bike again.
  6. Heated gear is your friend. Don't feel bad we all get a little srinkage when its cold out that we can't control.
  7. So are you planning to show up for this ride Justin or just quoting perma banned people? If there is a group from the west that want to meet up to ride down lets get a spot set and time.
  8. Hey I know "THAT DUDE", LOL! I will ride in the fast group somewhere in the middle to start. Will see how the pace is as the ride goes on.
  9. I got burned at work from falling red hot flux should I contact a lawyer?
  10. Congrats Josh, that z 750 would suit you nicely. Go buy it now so you have it for the ride on the 25th LOL! Heck I will sell you my triple for $3000 if you really want it. BUY BUY LOL!
  11. Omg does your dad still have the 1098? I know he had it for sale. Doc that's good to hear that Sunday looks to be the winner.
  12. I say doc picks a date and we get a list started for who is going to show up. I think me and twisted 12 are the big sunday pushers. Won't hurt my feelings if the ride ends up being on Sat. I will be riding on sunday either way.
  13. Yes I would be interested also please post up info on what is covered and the requirements for the class.
  14. WHY conn-e it has the same wheel base as your ninja? LOL!
  15. Like I said in his sale thread buy it Josh. These are great bikes, make around 100 hp at the wheel and upper 40 for ft lbs. Great street bikes. Very comfy but will still do well in the twisties. I would also pick one of these over the 650r or sv650.
  16. Why not buy a cruiser Bad? And keep the vfr? And after seeing one of these in person I was not to impressed.
  17. If it was not so far away I would try it. Thanks for the pm about it. I don't have a way to get the dr down there other then to ride it. And as hard core as I am not gonna try to do 300-400 miles on a dual sport with knobbies and a stock seat.
  18. I can't believe he did not get more injuries as he had no gear on and slid under a car he is a lucky young man to be alive.
  19. So should we call all crusiers crotch vibrators?
  20. No i thought it was if you ride a harley in full gear the world implodes?
  21. Yeah cause I have not seen 25 riders post up about making this ride either? From the posts I have seen in the last 15 pages it is more like 10 riders who said they were gonna make it. I dont care if there 5 of us who show up I just want to squeeze a few more rides in before the weather gets to bad.
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