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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Blah Blah I get off work sat at 8 am bitch!!LOL
  2. Rob robinson a guy we knew from the bandit rallies. he lives in Fla.
  3. SUNDAY! I will try to make this one then...
  4. I dont even know what day it is Lol! if its a sunday i will try to make it.
  5. SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!!! damn it. I only get 24 hrs a week off can someone plan a sunday ride pleze.....
  6. Oh I hate my work going to 6 days. I miss having more then 24 hrs off a week. I have family near nashville I have not seen in a long time, would be nice.
  7. Worked 12 hours on friday, worked sat also. Sunday we drove down to hook lake and checked out the area down there where we are going camping next month. spent the rest of the day at the in laws. monday we went up to the local fair and spent the day paddle boating and cooking on the grill then went up to watch the fireworks. was a nice relaxing 2 day weekend for once. back to work for 12 again tonight.
  8. speedytriple


    You got them out of order it should be 2,3,4 LOL!
  9. So what else is there to do south of there off 83 looking for ideas when I go camping. something around renrock or mcconnelsville? I see wayne national forest is close by, any fun family things to do that ways?
  10. Must be a c-bus thing? All the roads up near cleveland suck so who would know?
  11. Was just in there visitor center today. Stopped on the ride down 83 to the aep coal land.
  12. So picked a spot an date for the camping trip. Going the second week in august to the aep hook lake site.
  13. I shoot frozen milk jugs of water. Also 24 oz pop bottles of ice. I think fruit that is frozen is fun also.
  14. I am thinking 83 to 78 to 800 back north. I am going camping with the family in Aug off 83 on the asp land want to check out areas to tent camp. Anyone welcome to join.
  15. I work that day or I would try to make it out.
  16. You guys suck I worked all day. Was hot and humid inside the plant that is all. I might do a solo scout ride sunday?
  17. More likely to burn a little if it is warm then leak it. Either way have a good trip wish I could make it back down there.
  18. Get two people and it drops to like 110 and the guy who did my class is a great guy..
  19. When ever you fucktards plan one on a sunday. LOL So i can make one this year.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi6s97tu6xw
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