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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Uh 40,000 miles must have wore it out?
  2. front. And it hangs up and makes the front end have a nice click when trying to turn under higher speed braking. It's nice when coming into a turn i try to set the speed before entering. When I get into the turn and let off the brake and go to get back on the gas the front end clicks and wobbles from the pressure release. Kinda makes ya feel uneasy when it does that.
  3. Dr jones Dr jones. What is it shorty? Not that i am not a midget myself...
  4. You did have a nice pair of brown jersey gloves for that ride LOL! And I don't think anyone has posted up the same bike they ride as a option yet or did I miss something?
  5. Hey at least I dont drive a minivan anymore.
  6. So did you ride down today in the nice weather today to get the tag Bad?
  7. You know whats wrong his hands are freaking nailed down JC aint throwing anything? wtf...
  8. So how is the kit part ar shooting sub moa?
  9. If the weather holds out sunday anyone riding? I am still up in the air about heading to W.V. with my old master cylinder still in the bike but would be up for a ride south east at a sane pace.
  10. I have astars in 45 they fit good an I wear a 10.5 in boots and shoes. 44 would be like a size 10.
  11. I haz imprezza but no loud pipe. And not a wrx, without custom plates... my weiner just shrunk a little nevermind:(
  12. With no gloves on you squid lol. Still remember that ride home. The sv is the way to go. With the right rider they are evil little bikes.
  13. Was gonna get a new helmet but maybe I should get a few boxes of ammo for each gun.
  14. Yeah xbox makes you pay for online play then there systems break lol.
  15. Yeah they tend to be quiet when there not working from a rrod .....
  16. Yeah figures I get a long weekend and it is down.
  17. Yes the speedcriple is up and running now. minus a brake issue but is ok for sane riding paces. Might make it out next sunday if weather permits on a ride to eat somewhere in W.V. with some rifraf from C.O.R.E.
  18. Um it was 5 rides thank you and almost all of them were over 250 miles... LOL Well I plan on doing some more rides this summer maybe not with core to much, I am getting selective on who/where I ride in my limited time I have off from work. When you only get four days off a month you have to pick where, when to ride. And it is not going to be around the valley or in the city. Thats all I was saying, carry on.
  19. welcome to the site. Seems like a lot of the northern rides get messed up all the time.
  20. Be nice to the new guy you might scare him off as he does have a harley listed in his info(still messing with ya).
  21. Hey Do they allow semi autos then? I always thought you guys were bolt only down there?
  22. Yep happy Easter everyone.
  23. If your gonna ride that far down 212 then you might as well hit 151 to 9 to to 536 to 78 back north. lol then its a ride.
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