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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Kawi let me know what sunday works for you I wanna see what my 17 will do to a fury varment.
  2. I have the flash2 very sharp holds its edge well. Think I could tell my wife it is a small camping ax and get away with buying it for our tent camping trip were planning?
  3. I am going on sunday I am working on sat maybe a 12hr day to boot. More gun monies
  4. Medina gun show this weekend scott. Wanna go they got lots of mosins and surplus ammo...
  5. Im left handed an ne er had a problem with right hand bolt guns. Now semi is a different story nothing like hot brass in your face.
  6. If I didn't just pick up my savage I would be all over this. Green from what I found on google it has a heavy flutted bull barrel. And if its never fired that looks like a great price from what I saw online. Anyone interested in a savage 17 lol.
  7. Kawi when we going to slay some whistle pigs? Red you can never have to many guns lol.
  8. figure the water and power bars will do for 2 days till i get out of the city and out to the woods to get some game for food. also keep 10 gals. of gas on hand at all times. will get me out of the city atleast.
  9. i was going to do the same with mine. ati stock and scope mount. cheap way to get a long range bolt gun.
  10. if shit hits the fan you better hope your ar is done...
  11. This is why I have not bought a centerfire bolt gun. That and I have no place to shoot one anywhere near me.
  12. Sorry sold mine to fund another rifle. They are about as easy to hide as a canoe paddle since they are about the same size as one lol. Ammo is easy to find gun shows sell surplus cheap enough and gander sell soft points for indoor range use for about $12 a box of 20. Might pick one up again if a deal comes by on one?
  13. Think I saw it online $225. Paid 259 for the gun.
  14. They do but its as much as the gun cost me.
  15. Sights are still alittle hard to see but the range I go to has pretty crappy lights. I might put some sight paint on the front to help see it better.
  16. Yeah just wish I could find a mag extension for it. Or one of the eight round factory mags they speak of on taurus web site that I can't seem to find anywhere.
  17. OH YEAH the shot in the left hand corner is a flyer from my rapid fire break in. LOL!
  18. So I made it out to the range on sunday to break in my pocket .380 taurus 738 tcp. After a few mags of rapid fire break in I started to slow down and aim. LOL Not bad for a pocket gun at 25 feet. was shooting a mix of federal american eagle fmj and a box of cor-bon jhp. both fed perfect with no jams. No fail to feeds and no stove pipes. ran 125 rounds with out a glitch. a bit snappy but not bad. could use a grip extension for my sponge mike square hands. other wise was pleased with the results of the gun and its accuracy. Here is a pic of 14 rounds(2 mags plus loaded chamber both times) still need to get use to it but nort bad for a 125 rnds on a new gun at 25 feet.
  19. Would be in for a 9mm bulk buy.
  20. Scott I have had two with no problems. Would be a good carry gun.
  21. Will pass the word around I know a few guys looking for a small 9mm. I had a pt145 good gun 2000 rnds no failures of any kind. Glws
  22. Yeah Kawi you be the other" freak"
  23. Another southpaw shooter that makes three of us on here.
  24. Watch the show when they are shooting it the target only has one hole.
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