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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Yeah go spend some $$, and I am as poor as you I am sure. I still find ways to buy new guns LOL!
  2. So go get your shotgun now and wait till may to get the handgun simple as that.
  3. Sometimes I think that the schools are moving backward. What ever happened to the ring of kids around two kids fighting? When it was done it was done, no more teasing or being bullied. You either got you ass kicked or he did. Now you so much as touch a kid and you are out of the school.
  4. Yeah the click was a spent round. I have heard some people carry a spent round in wheel guns for some reason? Maybe so they dont shoot cops in the face?!!
  5. This is all crazy I have 4 boys, and they all whine about how unfair it all is. My response? A good swat to the rear! sometimes when kids act like asshats they need to get a wake up call. I would like to smack a few parents at my kids school as well as a few teachers. I use to get paddled by the nuns at my school when I was little. For a old bitch she hit pretty damn hard! Quit acting like a asshat real quick.
  6. So anyways road trip to fin feather fur sunday. If all goes well sat I hope to pick up a few new toys on sunday.
  7. What is the age in ohio for a shotgun now? I bought mine when I was 19 I think? but that was some time ago... man am I getting old!
  8. I can not believe how calm the cop stayed. He almost eats a bullet in the face an all he says is AW SHIT! as he walks to the back of the car.
  9. Klr 650 with the diesel conversion, a larger plastic gas tank. Kinda like the one the military uses. With the 6-7 gallon tank and 80+mpg they get over 450 miles per tank. And you could make bio diesel to run it on. It would also need a rifle rack on it somewhere, with the big metal side cases.
  10. Saw this on another site I use. This cop is very lucky to say the least. http://missoulian.com/news/local/article_2dd02134-477f-11df-aba6-001cc4c002e0.html?mode=video
  11. We will see how productive the sales go at the gun show this weekend if all works out as planned I may need this? If it is still around next week that is?
  12. ^^Liar, you are not Itailan are you? I thought you were mexican??! BWAHAHA
  13. Yep bored my ps3 is acting up and wont go online, so I have nothing better to do. That is the best deal I could find for now?
  14. Better price and free shipping from buds http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=57650
  15. Oh, by the way a dog is not a threat to a burglar. Saw a show on tv where they hired a ex con to show how easy it is to break into places. he broke into a classic car place that had a bad ass pitbull that ran around inside it. He broke in had a big chunk of raw meat in his hand threw it into a different room the dog flew after the meat and he shut a door behind it. No more dog to worry about.
  16. Here ya go show here this one.. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2009/12/parma_police_arrest_a_couple_a.html Why would it not happen in your neighborhood? Do you not have nice stuff, I think if I were a burglar I would rather come to parma were most people think there safe and dont have a gun to protect themself. Also in areas like parma most people make a decent living and have pretty nice homes which means nice stuff inside to steal. We have a bunch of neighbors who think the same way(stupid liberals) until one night 25 cars got broke into the same night. Guess thats what they get for leaving there doors unlocked cause we live in a nice area. Next time they should leave there front doors unlocked make it easier for them to come take there nice things from inside. If I lived in the most upscale area it is all the more reason to own a gun. If you were a robber would you take from some one who is poor and has crappy stuff or from a middle class or upper class area where people have nicer things.
  17. Here is one on gunbroker cheap. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=195416738
  18. ^Dont worry bad if it makes you feel better you could call it a kilt!
  19. I need a ride like this but my triple is giving me some problems. Time for a winter break down to do some work to it. Nice ride review.
  20. Thats messed up! I had a dog that had a stroke and was lame on the one side. It broke my heart to put him down. I don't think I would have been able to watch it be done a second time.
  21. So why is the wife so anti gun anyway? My wife knows I think I am G.I. Joe she just kind of leaves my gun fetish alone. She does curb the spending though. So she is not so much you cant buy another gun as she is stop spending money. But trading/selling one for another she is fine with.
  22. Ar is on my short list to get. Sell the mini and I am getting one or I will have to wait till bonus time to buy one and keep the mini. Gun show this weekend up by my work so hope the mini sells.
  23. Well I have been trying to sell my mini for like a year and no luck. new the mini retails for over a grand but can be found for around 800. The scope was a take off from another gun, and the mags and what not are worth maybe another 75 or so. I have been asking $850 at the shows, and getting some interest but no real buyers. I looked up the rem 700 sells new for around $500, used for around $400. I figure $400 on top of his gun would be fair. He keeps saying $300. thats why the deal is still just talk. LOL!
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