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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Maybe I will just get one of these instead?
  2. $899 for a package deal but the gun didn't have much with it? I think there are better deals out there.
  3. Could be interested, I use to go camping when I was younger for a week and live off the land with only little canned food to hold us over. Have not done it in years, would be fun to rough it. But I don't have a smaller tent, or big back back? let me know.
  4. So go buy a garand style action! LOL I heard the left hand stag models have had some issue like being shipped with a right handed extractor on a left hand bolt!! Guy said the hiram police chief ordered one and was shipped with the wrong extractor. think I will skip the stag stuff. I hope to shoot my buddies rra/griz soon and will base my ar pick off that as I have never shot an AR before.
  5. I thought all you ar guys say they are not prone to dust/dirt anymore? LOL! I am just not use to the rear handle on a rifle. I am left handed so most of the controls on a ar are a little combersome for me to use anyways. I will let you all know how my buddies grizzly/rra shoots we are going out next weekend to get it sighted in. So what are you saying that the garand style action is more reliable then the beloved ar?
  6. I have not bought an ar to this point due to the fact I do not like the rear charging handles. It is immpossible to reload and charge the handle while keep anywhere near on target. The side mounted charging handle solves this problem. And has made me relook at the ar. I was sold on the mini platform due to the garand style bolt, and it still shoots .223. This grizzly upper makes the ar a much better weapon imo.
  7. Still gonna get a rra post what ever charts you want. Might get the grizzly upper in left hand with the rra lower.
  8. I will be getting a rra if I sell my mini for sure. I like the trigger on them the best. The two stage armalite they had felt gritty and the dpms is a single stage and was junk. I talked to the ar lady at there stand she said that the grizzly guns are very good stuff her husband has one and loves it he talked to us about it also. There website says they have been making ar parts for 40 years? so about as long as the AR has been around it sounds like?
  9. Made by these guys http://www.largrizzly.com/web/guest/ops-4-upper-assemblies
  10. The upper he has on the ar he bought looks like this one and is made by the same place.
  11. He was looking at the armalite isp model and the rra camp perry. They were the ones he bought the custom from. It has a rra lower and a grizzly upper, with a rra barrel, with some type of quad rail on it. I like the side bolt alot better then the rear one. I think I have been to pro arms before is that riveredge gun ranges store? I think medina is coming up soon. I need to sell my mini before I do anything! I almost had a trade for a rra a-2 today but didnt happen?
  12. So I went to the berea gun show today with a old budy I have not seen in awhile. I had a bad day and soldtraded nothing. He bought a AR and made me a little green with envy. So he picked up a custom built Rock river lower with a grizzly upper a4. I like it due to it having a side charging handle and not a rear handle. They said they also make a left hand model for it. So are these pretty good uppers? I know the rockriver lower is pretty good. Had a quad rail and flip up combats sights, with a foregrip that turned into a bi-pod. pretty nice gun for the money. So my question is how good are the grizzly uppers with side handle on them? I like these alot more then the rear and might make me look at AR's a little harder next show.
  13. I enjoy cleaning my springfields also(not a 1911 a xd) It is kinda calming.
  14. I still miss my springfield1911. I use to have a nickel GI model, stupid me sold it! Now I been looking at them again.
  15. Jhaag I been there before thats why I dont have the 06 cbr1000rr anymore it's cool. Paul I been thinking about it, But the moneys I want to get the fizzer made into what I want it to be would cause my marriage to end. I think I am stuck with the triple for this season.
  16. Rub it in why don't ya kawi kid! Did scott mention we onlt have to drive and hour to get there? Hey wait I can make it to c-town in about an hour down 83?
  17. Hey I have to have support when reloading the mags if the zombies come right better to have four kids reloading as fast as I can shoot them!! Just saying?!
  18. What ever one you feel better riding 250-300 miles, with some good curves. Medium pace, well maybe an easier pace, jeans and jacket pace. What we were running with curby. Or we could head down 83 to 541 to 93 and loop it back up to bolivar?
  19. What a big hairy pussy... Cat?
  20. Got a better loop for ya a bit more south but close to where we were.
  21. Watch the blind right hander on 83 it has been know to eat gsxr's as of late. Wish I had the time and tire to do this ride.
  22. Go get a d-bag already and flush it out? We have to get the group we had in canton out for a good ride.
  23. So we gonna go for that 400 mile ride Bad?
  24. 870 pump here but would be nice to get out and shoot.
  25. Get the gsxr then you will have three of the four jap 600's.
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