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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. The monarchs are solid scopes. You should be happy with it.
  2. For your parent age skill level i would say go with a 20ga. Less kick then a 12ga and plenty of take down power still. Could go with a mossy 500 pistol grip. Around the same price as the .38 you mentioned.
  3. Im game gonna have to check my work schedule to see what shift i am on that weekend. I might bring the wife this year so i have a dd.
  4. In which case i have said cheapo 100 lumin light i keep in my bedroom safe with the two handguns.
  5. I don't know I have a night light in the hall for the kiddos it puts off enough light i don't need one. Fish tank down stairs the same more then enough light to see.
  6. Let me know I am local to the ix center. If someone wants to hang out just let me know.
  7. Well then if anyone is coming to the show and wants to go out after the show let me know.
  8. i've been to scoundrels for a fund raiser not impressed with the food or drink specials.
  9. ^^ This. Buddy at work who have been in combat says you shoot for the muzzle flash or just below it in low light. Gun mounted light the same. I was told to hold it away from your body off to the side a bit. Edit or get a shotgun and forget the light.
  10. I will see if I can do some looking into local bar deals with hotels close by. I don't do the bar scene at all so one of you youngins feel free to chime in..
  11. You took the bait. that's what the troll likes you to do. Now there will be four threads he has ruined in the firearms thread. Back on topic I am also in the mind set of non mounted lights. I have a cheapo 100 lumen light thats has a strobe feature. There are a few revolvers that come with a rail on them but they are not cheap. And like stated shotgun for home defense.
  12. Jackflash, shame on you. Don't feed the troll.
  13. I draw it at fertilizer and racing fuel in box trucks.
  14. Lol !! but him saying we should all run around with nukes and rpg's is logical.
  15. During my classroom portion we handled blue dummy guns. After that we handled some real guns the instructor brought in to go over gun safety.
  16. I find most of your posts offensive. Whats your point mag? Why you read the firearms threads to troll could be considered offensive also.
  17. You can make a more lethal/destructive weapon out of household chemicals and fertilizer, should the government ban the right on who can own these items? They were used in the most brutal homeland terrorist attack.
  18. No the older brother is 24 he had his ID on him when the shooting happened.
  19. True about the current system. With him not being of age, he would not have been able to buy a handgun. But unless they came back with a mental illness of other background check no-no he still could have bought a long gun.
  20. Well not to sound like an ass, but she kinda got what was coming to her. The children he shot on the other hand were innocent victims who did not deserve to have the fate they were dealt by this mental case.
  21. Yeah but I think what MJ was saying why not 6 hours of classroom and 6 hours of gun handling/shooting?
  22. Has it been said where he got the weapons from? I have not looked it up.
  23. Funny I'm the other way. I notice the movement in my hands way more with a laser and seem to focus to much on it, the grouping are much worse then with my irons. I much prefer night sights to lasers.
  24. No most are close but most are off a hair that I have seen. The two new guns I have bought with lasers on them one was a hair off low the other was way off and need to be re zeroed. Good way to check them is to turn the laser on aim at something 20 feet away with the dot from the laser. The iron sights should hold about the same point of aim as the lasers dot.
  25. "but I don't see the need for every day citizens to have weapons intended for war environments." Neither do I But the guns you speak of are not the same that are intended for war environments. Last I checked I can not walk into my LGS and walk out with a full auto chain fed weapon of war. Nor can I walk in and buy a full auto assult rifle. I can (for now at least) walk in and buy a SEMI auto version that was meant for sport/recreational use.
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