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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Just shows the xd is superior to the glock /thread....
  2. Fin has a few of these models left never really heard of P.O.F. before they are sweet guns but pricey.
  3. What about pof thats all fin has left and they are quite pricey? Fin has a few models of these left but thats about it.
  4. Fin is sold out of anything 5.56 ammo guns mags. They had four piston driven pof ar left but they are over $2000. They had dpms. 308 left and m1 carbines other wise sold out.
  5. I think that thinking you are not in danger if a gun has been pulled out on you before is a false sense of security. And is not good for your health or sanity.
  6. Damn auto correct. You have said numerous times you have never been in "that" situation. I have been a few times. Never felt the need to shoot. But was glad i was able to avoid the situation by being armed.
  7. You have never been in a situation where you were in inanimate danger before so you do not understand.
  8. Fin feather fur stores in ashland on rt 250, bagley rd in middleburg hts, and jackson twn. here ya go http://www.finfeatherfuroutfitters.com/
  9. Damn peanut butter rule +rep to parks. -rep to the troll!
  10. Stopping up today to stock up on AR stuff at fin.
  11. Again where did he illegally get the gun from? Story says the shooter was 19.
  12. I posted a link to pmags the other day for $9.99 each.
  13. If you want to build one your waiting. If you want one now there are plenty of gun shops with off the shelves guns in stock. My buddy just picked up a nice one this weekend from a shop up here.
  14. +rep I agree with this for once. For MY needs a nikon prostaff or monarch fits my needs.
  15. So I would be better off with a spot light then? That sucks.
  16. Wait? Did flounder just say that nikon was not complete shit? LOL! ONE day I will own a nice rifle with a nice scope on it. Maybe when my kids are grown and I am old and gray.
  17. But you live in a low crime area where you can leave your doors unlocked why would they feel the need for a sheriff to be present?
  18. So you're saying a good flash light is better then this? And I am being serious. I have never used night vision equipment before(beside my kids spygear toy stuff) http://sport.woot.com/offers/pulsar-edge-gs-super-1-1x20-nv-goggles
  19. Night vision woot. http://sport.woot.com/plus/night-vision-quest
  20. Im to broke to look at anything much over $300-400 when it comes to optics. Why i have quite a few nikons in the safe.
  21. I wish they made those in 20ga that would be sweet!
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