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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Thats a great price Kent. I like my Lc9, good little carry gun.
  2. He does have super elbows if he is attacked don't you know!
  3. Not to thread jack but I am in the same situation locally. I am not happy with the local gunrange, but am lucky enough they are build a new one less then 2 miles from my house. Opens at the end of the month.
  4. "but how do you improve on the system we already have without infringing on people's rights?" But you seem to be ok with the loss of personal freedoms? Or you only want to remove the rights you don't agree with?
  5. Problem solved the gruberment should ban mental illness.
  6. I don't have any "clips" that will hold 30+ rounds so I must be ok right? LOL And I am working on the SBR still, think of buying a pistol then putting in for the stamp to add the stock. That way I at least have the gun to use while waiting for the stamp in the pistol form.
  7. BUT you just said you were ok with the government limiting your right?
  8. Hey Magz you have anymore coolaide left? I love reading these types of threads.. Carry-on
  9. Nice choice. I love my xd's great guns
  10. Im coming to your place for late season bow hunting lol.
  11. Aint seen shit all day. Jr keeps wanting to move spots which doesn't help.
  12. Still sitting out with jr with our shotguns. Light rain here and there but nothing steady.
  13. I got paintball stuff we could use also..
  14. I wish I could. we already have two rescues.
  15. Just saw these at fin yesterday kinda neat.
  16. And I am soon to pick up in the next week a M&P .22lr model, and a savage 220 slug gun.
  17. My kid has a sig 229 airsoft can I play.
  18. Close to the show would be scoundrels in berea, or Zach's, or Upperdeck in berea. They are all close and have decent room.
  19. Bang for buck nikon prostaff, or monarch. A bit more money would be leupold rifleman or the vortex scopes. I have a few prostaff scopes that I like a lot.
  20. Very nice! Funny story i did the same thing with my wife. Went to a few shows, gun shops told her to find what she liked with no input from me. She ended up with the exact same package you picked. She has advanced RA and she liked the ease of use on the xd the best.
  21. Would it work if i fell out of my tree stand while deer hunting? Assuming i was getting a signal.
  22. For a hunting rifle at the distance you said you cant go wrong with a Leopold scope.
  23. The eotech looks the same as the vortex to me? I wear contacts, but it looked good to my eyes. Some quick phone pics.
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