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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. What kind of pa scope and you willing to sell it by itself? Pics of scope?
  2. Well I still plan on getting one in december this year. Along with a sig 1911/22.
  3. Im with Rob on riding sunday LOL!
  4. Never had anyone pat my back but get stuff slipped onto my bike when parked sometimes? Weird that they put a sticker on there? Thats what you get for shopping at a hippie store in the first place. LOL!
  5. You suck parks. Lol I want one bad! It sucks that they take so long to get.
  6. Will check with fin to see if they have one.
  7. The dicks by me has the 795 with a scope for cheap all the time. I tnink it might be under $130? I will check.
  8. Savage 17 hmr. Model 93. End thread. Much more versatile than a .22lr still cheapish to shoot and way more accurate out past 100/200 yards.
  9. Nice work, but did I hear that right that he works for a internet cafe'? What do they need a armed guard for?
  10. Looks like fun. I have been looking into those stocks. They look like they work from what was in the video.
  11. Since it's a sunday ride as long as I'm not coming off thirds on sunday I might be in?
  12. I work 3-11pm sat wish I could make it out it's been way to long since I rode last.
  13. ^^ sorry for your liberated wife there Paul.
  14. ^ my dick is as big as my thumb look at my $70k bike LOL!!
  15. I have a kershaw scallion that is a great knife. if this had the auto open assist I would be all over this.
  16. Nice i have always liked those cars. Dont know much about the motors though.
  17. Like the cash for clunker deal. The epa wanted the motor rendered useless. Just like they crushed all those cars that got traded in.
  18. Its a glock he doesn't care if it get stolen. Then he can replace it with a real gun.
  19. Nice much better then the g-lock or a m&p lol!
  20. LOL Tom He is looking for input for new sights besides the acog. He has used a acog on his last three deployments but they where all cqb situations. Just looking for input on the hamr sight he was also looking at the 6x acog. He has been looking for online reviews of longer range sights. I know that some of you have used what he has been looking at so I figured I would ask.
  21. Ok i talked to him today at work. He said yes he is in spec ops so he can set his gun up how he wants it. He is being deployed to a area in the southern region is all he could tell me. Said that most conflicts are out past 200 yards in mostly open areas. He is going to be using a m4 and might also be using a a m14. So not much close quarters stuff. I sent him a link to that specter dr sight. Thanks for the info parks.
  22. he is a marine. will check where he is being deployed to. I think he is using a m4 will check. Has anyone used the new hamr sight?
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