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Everything posted by Carwhore

  1. Carwhore


    Saw that a couple days ago on dpms Facebook
  2. I re-edited the review. It has stated that Mike told me he held off my appraiser from entering the property. Because he specifically told me "we kept him from coming." So I made a few phone calls about the appraisal deal, found out some information that backed my statement, but untimely the listing realtor had to make the call to the appraiser to put them off. So I removed Mike's name from saying he physically kept them from coming, instead I put the appraiser was delayed. Now since I made the edit, Zillow has to review it and will republish it up to 7 days later. So I have a feeling that Mike is going to think he won, yet what he doesn't know is I'M NOT DELETING IT! I just made some correct adjustments that I thought needed done. When I spoke to mike and lenny the other day I told them I would do this. I kept my word. I'm not a liar, and the review is 100% correct.
  3. I need to acquire a lawyer buddy. I have closed communication with him. As Lenny mikes dad called me threatening me again this morning. He even as what I wanted this more. He asked me if I wanted $350 like he was offering to pay me off. I have enough documentation, and evidence at this point. If he wants to go to court im fully prepared. I have a private investigator that's doing my child custody case, I'll have her interview my banker and the appraiser if need be. That's if we ever do go to court.
  4. I just spoke to my banker and he just let me know it was several times he was pushy with him, not just once. And he even was so mad he hung up.
  5. alot of the conversations were via phone. It seems like he may of had this issue before so I have emails that I've sent and recieved, but not of his that are sent really have no content.
  6. He told me to order an appraisal right away, this will be his word against mine. I did not talk to who appraised the house, I can only imagine he told me the truth in keeping them away. I do know he told me that "they/ we" did. Because the sump pump in the basement was damaged and there was standing water in the basement. The pump was repaired that day so the water was evaporating and drying up. I looked back through my phone and that day i asked if I should cancel the appraisal. My inspector was there earlier in they day and saw the standing water. I will subpoena him for that statement to prove what im saying. Mike made several calls to my bank trying to get them to push the documents throught to get ready for closing. THIS I CAN PROVE! If this does go to court I will subpoena my loan officer. He told me he has the see the appraisal "to see if they flagged any itens that need taken care of". Which no realtor needs to see an appraisal. I did quote him a few times. Which were word for word. Yet I don't have any proof, they were via a phone call.
  7. Thanks. And this is exactly what I told him. I told he go ahead and sue. I would sue him for defaming my name and sue for attorney fees. I didn't think I was in the wrong, and wasn't afaird. The only thing he really told me was he didn't keep my appraiser from entering the property. But that's not how he inturpeted it to me. He specifically told me "We kept your appraiser from coming earlier". They did this because there was standing water in the basement. On the phone today he told me he never kept my appraiser from entering the property. Yet he told me he did......Unless John Fox kept them from going in. If that's the case then I was told in a demanor that they both did the act together.
  8. So most of you know I've been looking for a house. During the process I actually did make an offer on a house and Fannie Mae accpeted it. Well shortly after the inspeciton things went down hill. Here is a little review incase you didnt see. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=86787 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=87173 Well after all the negative issues I delt with with my realtor I decided to make a review on Zillow.com. This is the review http://www.zillow.com/profile/The-Pacifico-Group/Reviews/ I'm the only negative one. I'm guessing anyone that makes a negative review on Mike he shortly calls them and threatnes to sue them!!!! Because this is exactly what happened. He saw the review and called me told me he's already spoke to an attorney and he's prepared to sue me. I don't belive I did anything wrong. I didn't do any name calling, and I didn't write anything that wasn't 100% true! Can he sue me over this? I don't think he can so I'm not worried, but I may be wrong.
  9. from what I'm seeing as long as you inspect the barrell and make sure there aren't any pits and the rifling is good you should be fine. YOU HAVE TO CLEAN IT RIGHT AWAY once you go shooting. Don't let it sit in the safe for a few days-week-month!
  10. should of just shot him once they entered his house. /thread
  11. Every single one I've seen has be the 91/30. I also know they make a rubber butt pad to help with the recoil.
  12. Theyve had them for that. I'll buy one locally, not in that big of a rush.
  13. Actually goinaround lunch time probably. You and Todd wanna join then get some lunch?
  14. I saw these. That's why i started this thread. Watched a lot of youtube videos today and know which one to buy! And what to look for. Also Ohio Valley has some in stock. They told me they were from 100-130. I might try to find a specific one and jew them down since i've bought a lot of shit from them.
  15. That's pretty cheap. If I needed wrenches I would be on this lol
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