AutoNiq- For our dealership. Give me Blackbook pricing, nada pricing, and links my carfax account Facebook- Stalkers gotta stalk Zillow- Looking for a house currently. Nice app to have. Shows Sold/For Sale/ And rentable houses Photobucket- Gotta upload my stalking pictures from outside their house Speedometer- Lifted trucks speedos are always off. Pro Tuner- Tunes my guitar and shit Angry birds-This is to keep my 2.5yr old son entertained Speed Test- Tells me how much faster Ben's phone is than mine Shop Savvy- Saved me $25 recently at Best Buy Tango- GF doesn't have a iPhone so no facetime. Shitty app. Always fucks up Lowe's- For pricing current stuff when looking at houses Home depot- " " iXpenselt- tracks all my expenditures. This is super nice. And can log business info. Creates PDF's so you can track your spending. Chipolte- Sling my burrito's Mexicans!