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Posts posted by Bkizz

  1. Hey guys (and girls), I got some new videos up that I wanted to share. About a month ago, Jason (TwiztedRabbit) and his wife Theresa came over to give me a hand with filming. The first one is just a re-do of an older video I had made that had reaaally shitty sound quality...not to mention I've had more practice getting on and off the bike so that doesn't look as sloppy anymore.

    Another thanks goes out to Andy (DubGuy85) for letting us borrow his GoPro HD for the riding shots. I think the "riding view" turned out the best. :D Anyway, I took about 40 mins of video and hacked it down to this. Check it out.

    PS: Anyone local who wants to ride, let me know! I don't like riding alone anymore so I am always looking for other people who wanna ride.


    Motorcycle Modified for a Paraplegic


    Paraplegic Motorcycle Riders View


    Paraplegic Riding a Motorcycle


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  2. if you need film we can help out there too.. i know andy would help me. so just let us know we can get something rolling "literally" i'll be gone till monday so if you hit me up it will be a min till i get to ya monday

    AWESOME! I could definitely use the two of you guys for filming. Like I said, one riding shotgun with a camera would be good enough. I would like to get the the footage next week since the weather will be nice.

    brian i have a few HD gopros if needed, ill help doing any filming.. when it comes to editting.. im out lol.. havent got that down yet

    let me know.

    Awesome! Thanks so much for offering. Do you have a regular sized HD camera? Regardless, the gopro would do the job but I was under the impression they are meant to be mounted and not held for shooting.

  3. i have some basic editing software.. brian get ahold of me i can mix vid/ sound chop clips and what nots
    Thanks man! I may definitely have to take you up on that offer...just gotta get some footage first.
    Windows movie maker should be enough for what you want to do.

    Yea, I have the new version of Movie Maker on Windows 7 and it doesn't have as many features. Now that I think about it, I downloaded some editing software a few months back...I'm just not really savvy on how to use it so it may take some practice.

    As far as the HD camera goes, I don't necessarily need something small that will attach to my bike/helmet. What I had in mind was a couple guys driving behind/beside me...the passenger with a camera in his hand. I just don't have a camera that shoots HD and was curious if anyone else did.

  4. I want to make a new youtube video talking about my accident and how I've gotten back into riding despite my injury. I'd also like to get some footage of me riding. I made a video last year but the picture and sound quality is horrible...and I really didn't get any good riding footage. Does anyone have a decent camera with HD video? How about movie editing skills? I can splice videos together but adding music and talking over video I can't do.

    If anyone local has skills and would be willing to give me a hand with this, I'd really appreciate it!! Beer and pizza on me. :D I'd also like to snap a few shots of the bike and my old helmet so I can send them to SHOEI.

  5. sir, you just sold me on a shoei helmet. I've never seen the pics of your helmet! thats insane!

    Yea, it's not so round anymore. I took a healthy chunk out of the tree I hit. Definitely glad I bought it. I was using an el-cheapo helmet before.

  6. Agreed Beautiful Day, and great ride. What more could you ask for? And Brian that rig is siiiick.


    It was great to be able to ride with you again Brian. It is hard to believe the last time we rode together was the summer of 2009.

    I know, it's been awhile! That was a great summer that turned into a not so great summer very fast.

  7. Awesome ride today guys! I had a really good time. That was the longest ride I've been on since I modded the bike. The coolest/wierdest part is how natural it feels. I FEEL normal and that's one of the best parts. I'm getting more comfortable in turns but I am still pretty timid...that's probably a good thing though. Thanks to everyone who came out!

  8. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it. :( Have fun!
    Lame...:nono: j/k We will have to ride again sometime.
    Ok so with a trip to the parts store I bought a couple taps and fixed her up. I should be there at the kroger at 1 tomorrow.
    Niiiice! Gotta love when stuff like that works out. :D

    I am looking forward to riding today! It's a beautiful morning and hopefully the weather stays nice. Still shooting for a leave time of 1:00.

    Phil, you gonna make it??

  9. Doesn't look like I'm going to make it the guy that did my powder coating messed up a lot of the threads were stuff bolts in my bikes down for a bit. I'm pretty upset.

    That blows...I've delt with bad powder coating too...and found out it pays to find someone who really knows what they are doing.

    Who else wants to come?

  10. I will leave the meeting place up to Brian but my suggestion would be to meet in the Kroger Parking lot located at the corner of Galloway Rd and W. Broad St.

    Yes, that was my thought exactly.

    I am updating the original post now.

    Pm'd you back, I'll give you a call after my appt...i hope to get there early so they can get me in and out sooner then later :)
    Sounds good, I will be here! Looking forward to getting out.
  11. i honestly believe if you had one of those $20 vega closeouts on, you would not be here to tell your story

    I agree...that "how much is your head worth?" is not just a sales pitch. I'm still amazed the helmet didn't crack. It kept a perfect shape on the inside.

    HAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha - I think Shoei has "given" him plenty. I totally agree that he should send the pics to Shoei. Maybe a thank you note too. Bet they'd feature the bike (and rider) in an ad, or on their website, etc.

    haha, agreed. I was hesitant at first to use the name but I am happy to have it on there.

    Awesome paint, and love your plate!!!

    Thanks!! B.A.K. are actually my initials so it works in more ways than one.

  12. make sure you send those pics to Shoei!!

    Yep, I already planned to once I can get some really good pics of it. Shoei has a section of their site called the "Hall of Fame" where people have shared there accident survival stories and show a pic of their helmet.


    Most of the helmets just look dirty...but mine is a different story. (not that I am proud of it)


    Thats sick bro! I was there when you road your bike for the first time at your condo. Are you getting more comfortable on it yet? Good to see you posting again!!

    Yea I remember, thanks for coming to help! I got to ride a decent amount last season...got a few hundred miles. (not bad for a cripple) I hope to get to ride a lot more this season.

    Just gorgeous. I want to see that bike with the new paint in person!

    Come check it out on Sunday!

  13. When Reimbrandt, aka Jim Shively offered to airbrush my bike I had to take him up on the offer. I decided I to make a tribute to Shoei helmets because my helmet was the only reason I survived my accident. I really wanted any artwork to be low key and I think he pulled if off! He did some of the designs from my SHOEI "Crest" helmet. The gold he used is very subtle because in the shade the bike looks black. It's not until the artwork gets into the light that it really pops. Check it out!











    And here is my helmet...


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  14. My 650 is an in-line twin. It has low-end grunt, and a power band from 7k-9k. High torque, but not much horsepower when you rev it out.

    600's are in-line 4 cylinders. They're whiny and bitchy sounding, but... The more you twist it, the more horsepower you get. Plus, what I'm expecting to upgrade to, is a super-sport, so the suspension will be an upgrade.

    My 650 is more like a sport tourer. Looks sporty, but the bars, seat, rearsets, motor, ang drive are all optimized for touring. I will certainly miss that, as a commuter, but nothing fills all role perfectly. If I could stick an in-line four in her frame, I just might. Then, slowly upgrade the suspension bits as I see fit. But I can't.

    The real downer about switching to an SS though, will be insurance. I paid $83 for the year for her...

    If you are using your bike on the street 90% of the time I HIGHLY suggest you hang onto the 650. Unless you plan to track a 600, I think you will be disappointed in the long run. After riding a 650 on street, you will feel like the 600 is boring and really uncomfortable when ridden anywhere near legal speeds. Yes, a SS has a better suspension but if you do emulators in the forks, the suspension works for fine for the twisties. I had no problem keeping up with most of these SS guys in the twisties back before I got injured.

    I too was in your same shoes at one time. I wanted the SS because they were "cooler" and had major power when you wring them out...and that is exactly why they pay a premium for insurance because that shit too addicting to control on the streets. I rode a few SS bikes (600RR & ZX6R) and was happy to go back to the torque of the 650 at the end of the day. In the end it's your call but I reaaally think you should spend some time on a SS before making a quick decision like I almost did.

  15. I finally got my bike back together and I am ready to ride!! I tore it down to the bare frame this winter for some custom paint. Reimbrandt did a "Shoei theme" as a tribute to the helmet that saved my life. I think it turned out pretty sweet! Thanks Jim, you da man. :D


    So about Sunday…John Mathis put together a route that is about 75 miles. Here’s the link:


    We will be meeting in the Kroger Parking lot located at the corner of Galloway Rd and W. Broad St and leaving at 1:00. (Close to DTM Brian’s shop) You can always split off if you want but the loop ends up back in my area on the WEST SIIIIIEEEEED. (Green card optional…jk) This won’t be a balls out, knee draggin’ ride but it should be fun…and anytime I can get away from the wheelchair and feel normal is a good time.

    PS: I REEALLY want to go on test ride this Friday to make sure my electric shifter is working properly and make any adjustments. Anyone available? Let me know.

    Hope to see you Sunday!

  16. Thanks guys, I was wanting to see what some prices were. So far AFI (Aesthetic Finishers) in Piqua told me $75 and I was wanting to know if there is cheaper out there. 30 minute driving distance helps me decide too.


    Cheaper is not always good. I got burned by choosing the "cheap" route when I got my wheels PC'ed...and they turned out like shit. Recently, I've used these guys twice with awesome results. They are great at what they do and are always done at the quoted time.


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