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Posts posted by Bkizz

  1. not feeling it as much on your bike as the other... it accents the camel hump looking tank. dont get me wrong...i dont hate it, but i think there is probably a more appealing alternative out there

    My thoughts exactly.

    Airbrush a ghost spine right down the middle with angel wings coming off it...

    That could be awesome.

    I like the first one a bit better. Hard to say in a photo. You might be better off giving the colors you want and telling hom to do what he does. I'm sure you will be happy with it.

    Very good point...he would make it look way better than my half ass photoshop. But I don't think I even like those colors on my bike. I have come to the conclusion that I am extremely partial to black and everything else I see just doesn't look as good.

    There must be a reason that I couldn't find many 650R's with a multicolored paint scheme...because they look like crap.

  2. Talked to Remi today on the phone and I'm getting really excited to see how this turns out. The verdict is pearl white with the dark candy blue and Nighthawk black pearl (Honda black w/a little blue flake). I want to have the frame painted black too b/c I think the silver with the other colors would look tacky...not to mention the landing gear is already black and it would flow better.

    I did a quick photoshop to see what the blue looked like at a different angle. I've decided I want it to look more like the rendering (mostly black and blue with thin white stripe). The real deal is too much white IMO. I am looking at picking up a used rear tire hugger too. This shits gonna look SICK!




  3. That looks pretty slick

    Hells yea! I'm diggin' it.

    me likey..... I have been meaning to call you but my paint fogged brain keeps forgetting. LOL May give you a shout this evening.......... looks sweet though.

    Call/text me when you can. We can figure out a time I can get the bike to you. No big rush...the weather will suck for the next few months.

    If I were to paint the frame black, should it be painted or powdercoated??

  4. Update: I downloaded photoshop and have been messing around with it for a few days...this paint scheme is what I have in mind but i'm not sure what it will look like on my bike. My photoshop skills are limited. Anyone with skills??

    I really want to have my silver frame painted black too...but that means stripping the whole bike.


    This is the bike that I got the idea from:


  5. Stairs are a hell of a lot steeper than any ramp. You also gotta think of getting it turned around to go straight into the basement door...manuvering a bike indoors can be a bitch! If I were you I would make sure I have a ratchet strap attached to the front or rear of the bike and some other fixed point at the top of the stairs. It would definitely come in handy for getting the bike back up the steps and not kill anyone on the way down if someone slips up.

    Or just get thick tarp to throw down in the guest bedroom...problem solved and you won't need to worry about a potential hospital visit.

  6. K... heres a CBR that has fire on it with tru blue candy over the fire. the other is one of my old helmets...... base white pearl and all the art work is black/white then covered with molten orange

    Crazy you should post these 2 pics because they were probably my favorite pieces I saw on your web site. LOVE the candy blue. I have really been leaning toward some realistic flamework using black as the basecoat and the candy on top. I wanted to get the 650R logo airbrushed on both sides of the seat cowl with blue flamework around it...kinda like this:


    Couple options I am partial to:

    candy blue with women/skulls/flames (not together, I think they would clash)

    ghosted skulls on a dark blue/black

    custom image that means something to you, something to really set the bike off

    Exactly...but I am trying to come up with what that custom image will be and I am getting stuck.

  7. step off my candy red, you get blue. Jim has a pletty big place I'll even take you up there with the bike as long as you dont mind my molester van

    Well I can handle that...blue is my thing anyway.

    ^^ yeah, I got room.... just bring some else to load and unload the bike. LOL The tru blue candy is deep and sweet. I suggested some hot chicks under the candy...... didnt get much of a reaction outta that. lol Still like the idea of silver on mid and top with black bottom. candy over the top and make the middle look like plating with rivots

    Don't get me wrong...I like hot chicks but I feel like they are more at home on a cruiser or HD. I want to go for a "fast" or sporty paint scheme. I am trying to think of things that could be airbrushed that would be subtle but cool.

    Jim, could you get me a few examples of what the true blue candy looks like? I am also curious to see what that orange you told me about looks like just for shits and gigs.

  8. Brian - I will help get the bike to Jim when you are ready. It is better for him to have the entire bike when a design is going across multiple fairings.

    I have even higher hopes for our next bike (which is saying alot) and we have a professional design firm working on the layout. Once our Pelatonia bike is finished I will ask if they could offer up a little bit of free help for you.

    I think some silver with plenty of layers of candy blue on top would be amazing, a little bit of airbrushing under the candy would be tits. That is what was done to the buckeye motorcycle club bike, but with the red.

    Thanks! He had mentioned only needing the fairings but the whole bike may not be a bad idea. The only potential problem would be taking up more space at his place.

    I totally agree...a nice metallic base silver with a candy over top would put a huge smile on my face. Maybe a black and candy red...or black and candy blue.

  9. Short story: Jim (Reimbrandt) is the fuckin' man.

    Longer story: Jim has offered his time and amazing skills to give the 650R a custom paint job. At first, I wasn't sure if he was serious but after some PM'ing back and forth, it's a go!

    Over the last few weeks I have been kicking around ideas in my own head but I thought I would open it up for suggestions. I have a love for black...but I know Reimbrandt could change things up and make the bike look bad ass. I love paint jobs with a lot of depth. I am partial to black, blue and silver but I love the paint scheme he did on the buckeye Ninja. Any airbrushing I want to be subtle.

    Lets get the ideas flowing! Not sure if anyone has photoshop skills but I thought I would post up some pics to play with.




    Here is a stock pic...may be easier to photoshop.


  10. Holy crap. Two broken vertebrae and he's only getting a back brace and staying one night? No surgery? That's amazing. I'm very glad to hear. Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.

    This is waaaaay too erie. The guy I used to ride with all the time broke his back...and so did I. Well hopefully he didn't do any major damage like I did.

    Please, keep us posted.

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