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Posts posted by Bkizz

  1. What time are you going out? I'm game if the time is right.
    Time and location? I may be able to get away for a while this evening.

    I dunno...maybe 6:30-7ish. It doesn't really matter. I live close to Sawmill and 161 in the dublin area. Call/text me if you wanna come and I will give you the address. 614-843-2888

  2. Thanks guys. So...I am thinking about taking a ride around the neighborhood tonight. At this point I got some leg straps made and bought a new battery that I can trust. Anyone wanna come with me? Not sure if you are checking out bike night but let me know.

  3. And mad props to all the folks there that have helped him out. That is proof of what this board is really all about.

    +1,000,000! I have had more support here than anywhere else. A HUGE THANKS GOES OUT TO EVERYONE OF YOU! You guys stepped up and helped me when I needed help. I posted a "need help" thread yesterday and 45 minutes later I had two guys standing in my garage. How cool is that? Right before my benefit ride in June, I had John Mathis, Jeff (cheech), and Aaron (welder) up until almost 2am to make sure I was able to ride the next day. Tim (tinytim) helped me figure out how to run the landing gear off of 3 relays so I could use the trick mini-switch in the handle bar instead of that big janky switch. God knows I never could have figured that out on my own.

    Not to mention, you guys FUNDED the shifter a few months back! That thing was $680 bucks and was bought with your donations.

    I never could have done this without help. I'm surprised my girlfriend has put up with me being in the garage every evening and weekend for the last month. Thanks thanks and more thanks.

  4. I wonder how hard it would be to get a XX brake setup on your bike. They came stock with linked brakes. :dunno:

    That was my original thought...find a bike that already came with linked brakes and pull the master cylinder off that. Buuut, that may be big bucks to go that route.

    ever look into stunter brake setup for your rear brake setup?

    i believe its a thumb trigger to operate your rear brake

    Yea, I thought about the rear thumb brake but throwing another lever into the mix is a pain in the ass. The guy who makes this kit added a thumb brake for the rear and he said he never uses it b/c the front does the work and it's to much to think about.

    I really need to read these forums more actively...I was sitting around all day today doing nothing. I wish I had known, I woulda been out there for sure! Glad to see you're back on the road man. Shoot me a text if you ever want to go riding; doesn't really matter where.

    I definitely will but I got a new phone and lost your #. Shoot me a PM and give it to me again.

  5. so they didn't really get into detail about the gripace, is that how you shift?

    also that box above the left landing gear, looks like a storage compartment? is that right?

    cool stuff though, and im happy that you are able to get back on the road again

    He uses gripace but I don't. I have an electric shift solenoid mounted in front of the rear tire inside the swing arm. This shifter is hooked up to the shift lever and I shift up and down with 2 buttons beside my left hand grip. I control the landing gear with a switch built into the right hand control just under the kill switch.

    For the time being, I only use my front brake but I am looking into a proportioning valve that will allow me to apply both front and rear brakes with the handle bar brake lever.

    The thing on the left side is a linear actuator. It it what raises and lowers the landing gear.

    Thanks to everyone who supports me. I just found out my dad practically shit his pants when my sister told him I was riding again. He's ok with it now...I just have a lot of people who think I am stupid. Maybe I am but it's what I love to do and I found a way to still do it.

  6. Pictures uploaded! I have to do some major cleaning and will take more pics. These are just ones from a camera phone. Can a mod edit the title (take out need help today) and move this thread to The daily ride? Thanks!

  7. Hey guys it's Brian. I've been working on my bike nonstop the last month and it is finally done!! The only thing I have left to do is bolt on the landing gear wheels. For this, I need to find a couple guys to give me a hand. One needs to stabilize the bike and the other drill some holes. That's it! Then, I want to ride the bitch!!! TODAY is my goal. I want some people to go on a ride with me after it's done. Anyone wanna help today??

    Edit: Just got back from my little ride over to Meijer. It felt AWESOME! I still need to get used to turning at an intersection with the wheels down but everything else felt fine. I had to cut the ride short though b/c my original battery is getting weak and I didn't trust it. Once I get a new one I will take it back out. Here are some pics:




  8. Today was AWESOME! I had a great time and really appreciate those who came out and showed their support. Being back on the bike felt so normal...I don't know how else to explain it. The bike feels perfectly fine when the wheels are up. The only thing that made me a little nervous was my temporary landing gear switch. It was just too far away. I had to lift my hand off the throttle to get to it which made the bike want to loose steam. My next step is getting the switch fixed, painting the gear and putting the body back on.

    A special thanks goes out to Brian (DTM Brian), John Mathis, Tim (TinyTim), Jeff (Cheech) and Aaron, the guy who did all the welding. These guys put in a LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT to help me pull this off and I can'T thank them enough. I was getting nervous last night that we were not going to pull this off but these guys refused to give up. By the end of the night we had a working bike and the relief was incredible. The last week has been crazy stressful but it was totally worth it. I also have to thank Paul from Paintworks too. He hooked a brotha up and did a great job on my fairings!! I can't wait to get the bike looking like it should again...although it really doesn't look too bad naked.

    All in all, I was able to raise $717 today! There were several shoppers who gave donations too. That will definitely help me out. There is no doubt in my mind that the biker community is the most tight-knit group you will ever find. I am glad to be back on TWO WHEELS!

  9. Just an update. We finally got the electric shifter mounted, welded and working...although it may still need some adjusting. The hardest part was building a bracket for it and trying to squeeze it into the tight space on the inside of the swing arm instead of the side of the bike where these are usually mounted.

    TinyTim came by last night and helped me get the wiring for the actuator figured out. The switch I am using is tiny...a job only tinytim can tackle!! It was a challenge but he was able to get it soldered up and working. Thank god I had him b/c there is no way I could have figured it out...never hurts to have an engineer on the job!

    The actuator itself has yet to be tested but I pray to god it works correctly. The next steps are to get the plates for the landing gear bolted up and get the landing bar on. I was hoping to weld some of this stuff on but all my plates are aluminum and the frame is steel...so that is not an option.

    GETTING DOWN TO THE WIRE!! This has been stressing me out but I guess it's a good stress. Thursday will be the next day I (and everyone else) can work on it. I would like to get Tim back on installing the switch and finishing up the wiring. Aaron (the welder) will be cleaning up the shifter mount and making some foot plates out of aluminum that will be welded on top of my current foot pegs. I am hoping John (JCMathis) can give me a hand with bolting up the landing gear and making a trip or two to the hardware store to get the correct bolts. This feels like an episode of Overhaulin' when they are all rushing around at the last minute. haha I am bound and determined to have it all working for Saturday. It won't be painted and looking pretty but all I care is that it's functional for the benefit.

  10. OK, just an update. Yesterday went pretty well but I didn't get quite as much accomplished as I had hoped. Oh well, that's how it usually goes right? No biggie.

    Jeff (Cheech) came over to help me with wiring up the electric shifter. We pulled the tank and got everything wired up but hit a road block when we were trying to figure out which wire to splice into for the engine kill switch. After he left, I got the air box out and was left with two wires going to each coil...a red and a black. The instructions say to splice the "signal wire" and I had a big fat warning in the instructions NOT to use the power wire or it could damage the shifter. Well one wire was red and one was black so I spliced into the black one. I feel pretty confident that is the "signal wire" but if anyone can back me up on that, DO IT QUICK!

    Brian's friend Aaron came over to help me figure out how to mount the shifter. After some cutting and grinding, we figured out we need to build a strong bracket to hold the shifter and we just didn't have the tools there to do it. So onto today's adventure. We are supposed to take the bike over to a machine shop this morning to get the shifter mounting figured out...and hopefully the foot plates for the pegs too. I am crossing my fingers all goes well today.

  11. Damn, everyone and their mom is taking a vacation next weekend. Common! It's not like it's summer or anything. OK, instead of telling me you can't make it, lets hear who CAN come. I don't know if I should expect 5 people or 50. I have been working hard handing out fliers and spreading the word. I guess it will probably come down to how the weather turns out. I'm crossing my fingers we get ONE DAY WITHOUT RAIN. I swear, Ohio turned into Florida.

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