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Everything posted by Mattsn2o281

  1. Worth the repost! Thats fucking crazy right there, 100% stock motor.
  2. Looks evil, should get the job done for sure.
  3. Looks fucking killer, really makes me wish i had went through with my swap lol. keep us updated, and how quick do you think you guys are gonna have it done?
  4. best i could get was a .517, they really need to find a way to figure rollout into these. I can cut a .501-.510 all day long at trails, but all i do is redlight on that lol.
  5. And a triple to say i hope everything works out for ya, it's probably just crazy bitch syndrome.
  6. Metro Dc's a shithole, not surprising at all. On another note, maybe if you could still whip a kids ass when they get out of line, they wouldn't grow up to be disrespectful fucks who need action like this to get the point across. Although, i'm sure there's more to the story.
  7. I'll give the doc my vote as well, as he has provided us all with such epic pictures as mr schnauzie, but everyone up there has contributed to many, many lawlz. So here's to ya all, thanks for the entertainment.
  8. Thanks guys, and gal lol. I'm excited as hell, i was hoping for at least one, but yea this great. I just hope to christ they aren't as crazy as i was as a kid, or i'm in trouble.
  9. Mattsn2o281

    Chris Brown

    Yes he fuckin did lol, and thanks for that, i just spit cake everywhere. Damnit Brian BEAT me to it. Oh wait, bad word to use in this thread...
  10. Congrats man, on both the wedding and the baby.
  11. Just found out that the twins my girl and i are expecting are both boys. I guess i did something right lol. That is all.
  12. kawi, yea, plus i've been out that way a few times on triple 6's and a few other roads around there. decent riding when the roads are clean.
  13. Lol, like i said, if they want the car good luck dealin with baley, pits make such great theft deterent. But yea, you can get away with shit like that here, at least for now, it's been getting worse over the last year. oh and it may have been, actually if thats what they charged you, it probably was. And not a problem, glad i could help.
  14. Shit i'm pissed you got money out of what i paid for lol. J/k, but jesus christ they sound like a bunch of dipshits up there. We were in the heath store all of what, 10-15mins? At least you got it swapped, however thats kinda fucked it's a one time replacement, i think i paid like $100 for that warrenty. After all this shit, i know its the last time i buy anything major at BB.
  15. CR pub run? Lol, but thats sweet as hell. So upon completion, you get free beer for life?
  16. Thanks for the welcomes, and cookies are good.
  17. The Mustang My gixxer, and 04 srt4 Group shot Thats all i could find on the computer, i'll try and dig up a few more of the harley.
  18. So yea, i know a few of you from columbus racing, to everyone else, hey. I'm matt, 28, from newark, and currently have bits and pieces of a 05 600 i'm working on getting together for next year, or the next. I've been riding since i was 17 so i've been at this game for a while lol. I've had a decent collection over the last 10 or so years, started on an 86 yamaha maxim 550, got a 93 ninja 500 and rocked the shit out of those two for for quite a while, decided to try the harley deal and got 99 dyna superglide, missed sportbikes and got a 03 gixxer 6. I also had a 91 katana 1100 drag bike project, but never got it finished. Other then that, i've got an 04 mustang gt i've been messing with for the last 3 years, and have been into drag racing and shit for just about for ever, grew up around it. I'll post a few pics up in a while, look forward to talking to all of you.
  19. I highly suggest it, i can't even get my cd's out now. Thanks Ford....
  20. Lol true, but i guess val's ghost followed max to wsbk cause he was still a crash fest last year. Oh yea, where'd gibi go down anyway? I didn't think moto gp was running yet.
  21. Hal, do you still have the mach six disc in there, or aftermarket? Mine started doing the same thing, and now the damn thing just says cd error and wont do jack shit.
  22. i'll be damned, i read that clip like 5 times and never noticed. somebodies in trouble, lol.
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