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Everything posted by Mattsn2o281

  1. That has to be a fucking april fools joke. Fucking hyundai, are you serious? I'm not the worlds biggest fan of nascar, but jesus, come on, talk to someone with some actual racing background. Or maybe they can call kia too, that would be sweet.
  2. Famous last words lol. I said the same fucking thing, and i've got 2 on the way now. Shit happens.
  3. Lol. wasn't this held at trails last year? during the mopar nats? does this mean no cruise through heath this year? IF so, thank god, maybe i can go a year without a burnout ticket.
  4. 14 second tank? Thats funny all the ones i have seen run mid 11's with bolt on's and tunes must be freaks. They are plain nasty, think grand national with awd in a jimmy chassis. They aren't cheap, i think last time i looked at a few mid $8k - to as high as $19k for a mint low milage one. I know john hinderer's son has one here in newark, and last i heard it was possibly for sale, although i can't remember the kids name. Good luck man
  5. Damn dude, that sucks youre sellin the lac, but i'll vouce for it too, fuckin hands down the nicest one i have seen in central ohio, def show quality!
  6. oh damn that sucks. pics will be up in a sec. Edit, Dover pm me your email addy. I'm having trouble getting these pics saved. I will say this, the lca's are in good shape over all, the poly bushings are in perfect shape, but it needs new bushing sleeves on one, and somewhere along the line someone spray painted them and it shows.
  7. Dover, no headlights aside from what came my car, were you wanting a spare set or different style? i'll get pics up 1st thing tomorrow.
  8. Oh really, Damn. Well prices are obo, i really have no clue what the stuff is worth, but i'll drop the helment to $90 to start with. Thanks man.
  9. Bumpity. make offers, need this stuff gone!!!
  10. Dave, i see you had your truck tuned by mike ward racing, did you talk to him yet? From what i hear he is one of the best mod motor guys in ohio. Or does 1+1=2? ( shop your having issues with?)
  11. Thats fucking badass UNO got a couple of good dyno's now. i heard the school really got its shit together in the last few years. What class would be using the dyno's? I miss that place lol, good times.
  12. Lol, well give me a damn price when i ask, asshole Cars almost done now, but yea. Glad everyting went good!
  13. Jones, you're a fucking liar. I called that number and some bitch named jenny answered. She's never heard of you. Good luck man, and your mod stuff looks killer. i'm still going to get with you in the next yr or so, i wanna turbo the GT so bad...
  14. Hope everything went well, wish i coulda had the mustang done in time for this.
  15. Bump, make offers if ya like, just want this stuff gone.
  16. Tails are spoken for at the moment. i'll let you know if the deal falls through. were you still interested in the gear?
  17. Thanks larry, hope those work for ya. bumpity
  18. I know larry, they're off the car too. i'm still working on my bushing issue. but yea, i'll call you and we can figure it out. Lol, i dunno rob. i'm just going to slap it back together for now so i can get to work. i still want to do them at some point, but money is nice too. the car already makes 275 to the tire, which is where most LT equipped gt's are at, so dunno if its worth it??? i'm just up in the air.
  19. Maybe if people would stand up and say knock it the fuck off with the bullshit, perhaps they could go back to actually reporting the truth. There use to be such a thing as journalistic integrity. Just because they do it doesn't make it right. Fuck it, i'm done. you guys are right.
  20. No its fucking marinara sauce. And why are we talking about it? Because some of us are pissed the fuck off about the coverage of this shit. As to your first post, straight up, fuck you. You ignorant motherfucker, i thought you rode? How the fuck can you sit around and say oh well, just a accident, oops? I'm sick to fucking death of misreporting of motorcycle wrecks saying they were speeding, racing, or being reckless. i lost a friend in maryland to the same fucking thing, old bitch turned out in front of him, game over, had no chance to react. maybe kenny's death is bring back those emotions, or maybe i'm sick of hearing all the stories of people dying, then being drug through the fucking mud.
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