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Everything posted by Mattsn2o281

  1. Just out of curiosity, they still run out at the causeway, whichever one 60 comes into clearwater on? That place was huge the 2 years i lived down there, every saturday and sunday after 11 they use to run for hrs with no problems. i miss that lol. Oh and if you go to clearwater beach alot, you pass right by where i used to live, 2 blocks over from where 60 and alt 19 meet lol. i miss tampa... On to up here, i started going up to columbus in spring of 04, and it has really changed. i would like to put a request in lol, linn if you can dig up that vid of me running several of you guys with my old srt i'd like to download it, i remember you still had it when i signed up here with this s/n, so yea. And yes the old vid's are bad ass for sure.
  2. Not sure, i swapped a buddy for a set of 4.56's i had. they look to be in perfect shape.
  3. i've got a set of 3.73's i'd let go for $75, might have a few other things in the next week or so.
  4. Best bet would be take it in to one of the guys on here and have them check it over. It's really hard to diagnois bumps and squeaks over the internet lol. that way they can find out exactly whats up and give you a list of what needs fixed exactly, then you can figure out from there what the wallet will allow.
  5. Welcome kid, but watch the shit talk on the fords as i'm quite sure 99.8% of the mustangs and ford cars on here would put a hurtin on that mailbu, especially with a youngster in the drivers seat. When you've had your license for a few years, raced a few cars, and can stay out past midnight then you can run your chops. With that said, get some pics up! I dig the g-bodies when they're done up right, i had a 67 442 and an 86 cutlass when i was in high school. Good choice on first car!
  6. If you want to, feel free man.
  7. ok, soon as i get my car back together i can get it to ya, hopefully wont take forever, like mid week?
  8. So says you, and i'll even give you the fact you probably do bring home more then me. But you're still a fucking dickbag at the end of the day. And did you ever consider the fact that possibly its the immense dislike of some of the shit you come up with and not the fact that everyone, except for a few who agree with you from time to time, is swinging off of bravo's sack? I'm sure i'm not the only one who is tired of reading some of the goofy shit you post, and your butthurt attitude when anyone says something contradicting it. Get over yourself.
  9. Wasn't planning on it, how soon you need the shroud? Oh and i feel ya on the budget shit lol.
  10. Wow really? The overpaid masseuse has room to bag on anyone? You spend your day rubbing down crybabies and brokedicks, go you.
  11. Short answer? Nope. Long answer? I'm sure someone else will post it, and then someone will go to great lengths to bash them, only to end up failing hardcore style.
  12. Just curious, but did you run over the president or some shit? I'll be spending my time laying on my cold ass garage floor all night, so you guys have fun!
  13. Rob i have a fan shroud off a 86, will that work for ya? If so, no charge.
  14. yea, i dont have a brace or hoist, and the budget for this install is $0 lol, i just got sick of looking at the headers hanging on the wall so i figured it was time to do them since i was already removing suspension. don't jinx me with the clutch shit lol. i'm hoping the stocker will last me through the summer, and it hasn't shown any signs of being weak, so i guess i'll cross my fingers. lol. And yea, like i said, last time i do this with no brace or hoist. shit sucks! but i should have it buttoned back up in a bit.
  15. till it goes boom lol. aw hell last time i was on round II's dyno my a/f was 12:1, i should be golden for a while. On that note, i'm out like a lightbulb.
  16. i have the dynomax ones, not the best by any means, but i haven't been able to find an real complaints about them, and they were cheap. i cant see paying almost $500 for painted headers lol, and thats where the nicer ones seemed to start. i do think they fit an auto as well, so hopefully this is a one time deal. Thanks for the offer jason. I got the k dropped but i didnt like the way the motor was sitting, so it's back up for the night and i'll knock it out tommorow. Here's another question, i had brian do a tune back when i first started messing with the car, it had tb, cai, o/r x, and catback then. i need to get the tune redone sometime anyway, but should the headers throw it off to where i need to do it like right away with no romping on the car beforehand?
  17. Sweet, and i actually have a bottle jack too. thanks Hal, and everyone else too. back to work....
  18. Hey at least you're gettin paid lol. you think that board will be enough to hold it up with out smashing the pan?
  19. Lol, they say keep it in the family right? They look good on there man, get them polished up and rock em like that for a while lol.
  20. I may take you up on that offer before i'm done with this lol! Fucking shit this thing is set up stupid. so the rack is now off after an hr of trying to get the steering shaft to loosen up and the mounts are loose. Just to double check, a 2x4 across the front sump will support the motor while i have the k down right? Lol, this will be the last time i do this on the ground....
  21. Thanks rob, like i said, i'll see how this goes, but yea, i might give ya a shout for that hoist. Chris, Where did you guys set the piece of wood, across the front of the pan? Jesus i wish i still had a foxbody lol. every little thing on this car is a pain in the ass.
  22. Thanks Tyler, the wheels look absolutely sick. Can't wait to see what your car looks like when you get those blacked out.
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