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Everything posted by Reimbrandt

  1. Just finished this and thought I would post it so I could brag a little......... lol was a lot of fun and a bit challenging to do. Turned out pretty sweet...... thought others would enjoy a look see. thanks
  2. the detail and overall piece is pretty sweet, but the atomic fart just ruins it. lol
  3. well, don't know how many of you remember the blue cbr I did so I posted a pic. he was going through sidney today only to have a dip in a SUV pull right out in front of him. Trashed the plastic, bent the forks, put a good scratch on the new single sided chrome molly swingarm, and broke his right wrist. then the ass was nice enough to run............ luckily someone chased after him and he was caught. buddys supposed to notify me tomorrow of the details and if this moron has insurance. one bad day..............
  4. Holy crap... did it take ya long enough to respond. LOL See ya at tikes..... I had a sweet sport bike that was going to display there, but someone pulled out in front of him today. screwed up all but the right lower and my buddy broke his right wrist. sucks

  5. wow... I'll keep my eyes out. My shop is just about 6 miles from there and I go to the little grocery (which I think is the light you encountered this twit) for lunch. dude sounds pretty fkd in the head to me.
  6. yeah, got that right..... dang phone wouldnt boot up the camera quick enough. ubber squid on a older sport bike. t-shirt, shorts... no lid and his back tire you could see the thread in the center inch or so. WTF........ if ya aint got enough money for a damn tire park the sum bitch
  7. Candy red is a sick set up...... have whom ever paints it use a pewter base (heavy on the metallic) I did a cobra like that and the color is deep, rich with that nice sparkle in the sunlight. the best accent for candy red........... chrome. lol
  8. didnt start out so good............fkn snow! lol thanks bud

  9. nice.... K, I wanna know how he got the bedliner off?!? God only knows I'll run into a twit like that somewhere along the way myself. looks good.... the decals will pull it all together.
  10. Reimbrandt

    Qt Pie & Mz. Kitty

    I love the color of that bike.......... that is sweet
  11. well, I guess if ya gotta get a browns jersey his would be the one. about the only real player on the whole damn team.............. go steelers. (after last season Im near embarassed to say that)
  12. S'up..... just a jaunt down 66 from here. welcome
  13. Ozbourne....... she just wont take any shit and has mondo major fkn connections
  14. Sup..... will see you at tikes in may. Im setting up for my paint work and tike just told me you will be there. sweet

  15. Yeah..... ^^what he said........... hell, I wouldn't have a clue. I just paint the dang things. LOL
  16. yeah.... damn it. but I will post what ever shots he gets me of daytona. Maybe get lucky and have some hot chicks on the bike or something.
  17. Thanks guys, really appreciate it.......... forgot the pic of the paint cover
  18. got this done last week and now its down in daytona enjoying a little warmer weather than we got here. love this bike..... its killer in person. YEah, I know..... stretched and lowered. the two mortal sins of a sport bike, but its still sweet.
  19. coming up on 75 north its an easy trip....... get off at the St. Rt. 41 exit in troy and go west to covington. As you curve into town you turn right on the first street. Go to the stop sign and turn left......... its on the left before you get to the next stop sign.
  20. I deal with tike on and off.... he worked on my 89 CBR and has done other stuff for me. I do paint work for him every so often..... hes really cool and easy to work with. he has really upgraded his shop and show room. may do a open house display with him in april.
  21. I love that show.... and I they are all ways idiots find to kill themselves. Some do sound far fetched but true. I have a book called fatal facts and there are many deaths listed in it that are just as bizaar. Face it..... there are a million ways to die. (some a lot dumber than others)
  22. had one a couple years back..... at McDonalds, which should be no suprise. When I handed her the money her cash register freaked out on her. bill was 3.87 and I had handed her 4 bucks...... didn't have a clue how much to give me back. I had to tell her for gods sake...................
  23. Ello....hadn't heard from you so I was just wondering if the boss said anything. Thanks, enjoy the weather. (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

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