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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Nope , no fraud, never missed a payment, never had a bounced check , only have 1 bank credit card etc etc etc, nothing suspicious on my side...... Chase bank anyway did close my bank account 3 years ago and refused to give a reason as well.
  2. What really upsets me even more is, i was collecting my rewards to use them to get my wife an extra something for christmas the asshats denied me $102.00 in rewards , saying that as they closed the card, they can't honor the reward..... freckers
  3. they didn't freeze it , they closed it.
  4. Working hard to keep my stupid credit score high and in good standing with everybody. Chase bank banker talked me into starting a credit card " freedom as they call it " , as i never had one before i decided to do it , what the heck , i manage my finances good enough , and wouldn't mind 1-5% back in rewards for 16 months. started with a specific limit since april , calling them back in October , they actually almost x3 that limit for me , happy i was, traveling to Europe in november i decided not to carry cash and use my card if needed, in the middle of my travel , the card is declined, wtf ..... i have over 2k available on the card, but no go . Luckily i had my Debit card from a different bank on me , so i used that , came back to the state to find out that Chase bank has CLOSED my credit card account ...... why ??? no reason is giving , if you want a reason you need to mail them a letter requesting an explanation. my rant is over but i have a question , when the bank closes a credit card, doesn't that show on credit report with negative impact ? p.s went to chase bank to pay off the credit card, couple of the notes i had had tape on them , chase bank refused to accept the notes and refused to give letter stating that they refused to accept the notes, altho by their words , the notes aren't fake, and they advised me to go to walmart and get a money order with those notes as wallmart would accept them , but the BANK wouldn't....
  5. WoW i seriously think this is a dead end argument , as obviously your mind is set, anyway good luck
  6. Bro , i didn't check any of the links u posted here , not for any reason but being lazy . your original posting is about how scared you are of sharia law and the fact the according to the video u posted it is growing in the USA. you still haven't answered any of my previous questions sharia says to cut the hand of a theif that he used to steal ..... would u point out how many countries have that as a law ? 1 Saudi arabia it says that you can't have sex without marriage , and if you did you are to be whipped only if you were proven that ur dick penetrated someone's pussy by 4 witnesses who should agree to all details " of course if you are having sex with someone who isn't your wife but you are married " then you are to be stoned " same as in the bible right ? stoning adulteries ? how many countries actually do this ? none that i know of being scared of something that you don't understand is natural , but the natural way to avoid fearing it is trying to understand it. you are saying that some muslims in america are on holy war, where did you get this ? if you look at 911 and read the teaches of islam, you would find that it is saying " even at war , you aren't to hurt elders, kids, women, trees , animals unless if they fight you or blocked your way in a way you can't go around it " ,then you come around and say Osama said he did it cause of religion , he can say what ever the fuck he wants, doesn't make it true . people in afghanistan and iraq fighting the US soldiers isn't a holy war , altho for them it might be as they see them selves defending their lands ...... i don't agree to war period. again i see this post as another bash to a religion you aren't trying to understand.
  7. I might be going to hell then , as there is a chance for me to give up riding soon )))
  8. I love how these threads keeps poping up on every forum everyonce in a while , Sharia laws, Muslims are doing ..... first of , I am a Muslim. Second of, what is Sharia Law OP ? Where is it applied ? Which countries do actually rule by Sharia Laws ? How bad is Sharia law? Or are you just scared because you don't understand it ? too many questions. Muslims .... God be with us they are building another Mosque ...... fuck they are taking over the USA Muslims are assholes dude, they kill all none believers..... I am from Palestine , lived my life in Jordan until i moved to the USA in Palestine we have Muslims, Christians, and jews , none is being killed by muslims for their religion. In jordan we have Muslims and christians, and of course jewish , none was killed for his religion. Yeah but Osama bin laden did this or that, alqaeda is doing this and planning that ..... get real, i never believed in Osama to be doing what he is doing because he is following the teaches of Islam , but of course you do , cause you don't know what are those teaches or whatever, you just want to pash something and as the world is pashing islam and muslims u joined the crowd. Seriously dude get real , widen your horizon , then post about what actually is threatening this world. if you want to talk about Holy jihad or war for religion please remember our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan had weapons with quotes of the bible on them, or didn't you read about that ? Take care dude.
  9. Just for the record , this is way fucked up and doesn't reflect religion view.
  10. who is Interested in a GSXR 1000 with body damage ? an 09 black , 1200 miles, bought brand new this year , warranty " i think till july 13 " state 8 checked the bike after it fell , said nothing but cosmetic damage , i want to sell it due to possible move out of state Private message to discuss price.
  11. to my knowledge the bank doesn't have a branch in Ohio , GE capital bank
  12. I am considering selling my 09 gsxr 1000 it has a lean to a bank against the bike I want to sell the bike and transfer the title, i understand it's not the best time of the year to sell a motorcycle. what would i need to do to sell the bike, i can't pay it off and get title and then sell it . I am thinking agreeing with someone for an amount and sell the bike to them , let them have the bike , pay the bike off " using their cash and of course what more i need to pay " then ask the bank for the title and transfer it to buyer or something like that. Advices please sorry if the question was asked before.
  13. i am probably going to pull the bike out the garage and ride it , last few days before storage insurance kicks in.
  14. according to the article the wife of the pilot was video taping him landing .
  15. I was talking to a friend yesterday about doing some novice track days next season, a good thought was told , any track days that actually rent you a motorcycle for your novice track day ? any info on prices or which track ? Thanks
  16. would love to join but without a helmet and a leather suit as progressive took them , i wish u all a great ride, but i'll pass.
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