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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Good luck with the sale nice looking bike , why were the fairings changed ? Has it been dropped/ wrecked ?
  2. someone should find that thief , kick him in the balls , then steal his balls . before turning him to the police.
  3. it kinda sounded like you know that the guy was actually aiming to kill muslims .... wonders.
  4. Are you talking about that guy with a gixxer 1000 that had battery failure ? I my self told him that he shouldn't be riding that as first street bike , no hard or bash was meant, just an advice for the dude not to kill him self. anyway ..... i still believe altho they were a little rough, that advice was in place.
  5. yeah but i wana test the new leather i got Anyway , we need one like that , so again , when are you getting one together ?
  6. But this way , the buyer can't ask for a refund.
  7. so far been loving the bike , and gixxer.com is an okay site so far as well . Hey neck , remember that 36 bike ride we had 2 year ago " i believe " , down in columbus , when are you putting one like this together again ? " soon hopefully ". Sorry for thread hi-jack .
  8. WoW would think people will wear more gear riding the gap, guess i was mistaken.
  9. Stupid people do stupid shit, glad he was taken down. wanted to type in way more comments in response to some of the comments on here , but gladly i didn't.
  10. doing first service at the dealer for the record of service as IP advised, after that changing oil can be done home or @ Rick Roush in Medina they have a special of 39.99 for oil and filter.
  11. Young i am not . but still i think paying the same about for insurance as the bike payment is a little bit too much , i understand it's a supersport bike bla bla bla , but c'mon a premium of 150 a month with 500 deductible isn't too much ? anyway will give these people calls tomorrow too , thanks IP
  12. I guess i only have around a 100 miles to miss around with till monday when i get my bike into service , sucks , no riding this weekend either.
  13. Hardings Park can't get the bike in until 08/01. Rick Roush in Medina does. can't get it in till monday 07/30 , any other good places ? Price is around same 180-200
  14. Thanks for pic , that was funny.
  15. what does it to ? and no android version for me , we have firmware, kernel and build version , no android version.
  16. under setting , about phone , i don't have Android version. Using Samsung Charge tho , so it might be different from one phone to another.
  17. Okay i'll give both dealers a call monday and see when can i fit my bike for service. Thanks
  18. Yep , i had them print it out for me , it's replace oil and oil filter, inspect brakes , tighten chain bolts and body bolts and that is it . 1.08 hour service charge totals to $195.00 + tax .
  19. Do my 600 miles service my self ? state 8 is asking for $195 to basically change oil and filter, and last time i took a bike to manuals motorcycle they over filled it with oil according to a nice person who checked it . So i am thinking about doing it my self , would you advice against it ? Is there anything to it other than changing oil and filter and check for loose bolts ? Thanks
  20. I just decided that i am in the market for a new car, where are these people located ?
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