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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Yep it was a dog not doc sorry for the typo .
  2. It was really scary as the truck driver barely missed the back of ninjadoc's bike , and my point is , thank god ninjadoc was safe and more experienced, but don't you think such a stunt that the same driver might do again , might kill the next rider he does this to ???
  3. Behind ninjadoc I was as he made me a sign to follow and pass this truck on a straight downhill road, as soon as ninjadoc tried to pass him , the guy started speeding up and swerved to the left lane as is he was trying to hit him, and as ninjadoc passed him he tried to speed up behind him , I slowed down a little as i had no idea what road we riding , or what to expect, after he gave up no catching up with ninjadoc , the guy decide to get on me , as i came up behind him he slowed down and tried to block the road on the start of a 4 way intersection , swerved behind him and flow straight forward , unfortunately , i had no idea where ninjadoc went , so after going couple of miles forward i decided to go back to try and take a turn at that intersection , but no sign of ninjadoc , stopped at a church and tried calling him few times, he said he is coming back to meet me , bad signal i couldn't hear most of what he said, and he didn't hear me either , stopped at that intersection waiting for ninjadoc , that guy comes back , " on feet " with his doc , told ninja i am to go on i170 and see if i can find a better location to wait for him , anyway , the guy lives somewhere really close to i170 and pancake rd near pancake auto shop , his license plates are PHE (8)566 not sure about the (8), drives a 1998-2004 silver chevy truck , Ninjadoc didn't want to call the cops , altho i would if it was me . So here you go , anyone knows the guy ? lol anyway Awesome ride , and great day , some of you should of came along
  4. I am in hopefully , working till noon, but free afterward .
  5. Not a Dayton person, but this was an Awesome Ride , had to ride one cheek at a time back to Akron Still one of the rides I'd never want to forget.
  6. Why ? Just couldn't not do this
  7. Comes with extra front and rear tires, solo cowl and passenger seat , as well as a rear bike left or whatever they are called .
  8. Once the new Voltage regulator i am installing proves to fix the dying battery issue i had , i am thinking about listing it , thinking $3000.00.
  9. Or you can buy my Tl1000s , The SV1000 has all the details of a spam post , not real as it is 1. really cheap price , 2. no phone number, email him , see where is he shipping it from ?
  10. I honestly do not know what am i supposed to do exactly, i would love to play the card of " suzuki should pay for the paint, but honestly i don't wait any longer and lose whatever left in the riding season , i got my shadow to ride around, but a cruiser is not a sport bike
  11. yeah that was taking care of , i have the steering damper on the bike bro
  12. they did the steering recall, it beats me tho , that the previous owner(s) didn't do the tank recall since 1998.....
  13. So glad he stood up picked his bike , hopefully no serious injuries, but for god's sake, if someone plans on doing such a stupid act, why wouldn't they : 1. wear more gear, which includes at least a full jeans a jacket. 2. pick a road with less traffic . ???? beats me
  14. yes but my gas tank has a recall on it , they don't make gaskets for it anymore , they will need to change the whole tank with new gasket , after that it should be ok
  15. Yep leaking tank isn't the best way to ride the bike, i received a call today , they are out of tanks, except for a green one ..... a green tank on a red bike, anyway i agreed to it,i'll ride it with green than, then paint it during the winter........ the guy just called me 3 mins ago
  16. BikerBoy


    Welcome to OR.net
  17. 3 days after i got my first scooter ever, too much front breaking on uneven pavement. second time a fellow scooter rider while filling his scooter with gas spelled too much gas " somehow all over my rear tire, 20 seconds after , had to apply breaks, looked under me " no bike " , third time on scooter as well, placing license plate i pushed kinda hard on the bike and wasn't fast enough to catch it, 4th time had to stop quickly too much front breaking again, 5th i don't really wana tell ), i love to act more carefully now .
  18. Meant to say Advices in the title sorry My Suzuki tl 1000s has been in a dealer shop waiting for a back order on a recall for over a month now. First i got the bike there , they said it will be about 10 days, then said the tank " which is on recall " is on 4 weeks back order, it's been a month+ now , and they said it is still on 4 weeks back order, any advice on how to deal with this ? Free recall, on an older bike it's 1997 I am asking as there isn't much of riding time left this season " if any " , advices are more than welcome please, Thanks
  19. novice question, Would they fit another bike ? like a suzuki tl1000s ? thanks
  20. was taken by phone , so not the clearest pic, it happened on I77s I76 east
  21. My wife was driving on I77 today, around 4:30 I'd say when it was almost stopped when she got to where it was held , she took a picture of a bike that slid under a car, looks like the rider was going too fast tries to stop and ended up under the car infront of it, any info ? She took a pic but I can't upload it from the phone ... Any info ? Fingers crossed the rider is okay
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