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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Praying she will get better soon, hang in there man
  2. Never got a temp my self. Just the licne , so I can't comment.
  3. WElcome aboard, new philadphia here , would love to ride Sundays after noone, if you wouldn't mind riding slow and safe " it's only. 250 :p"
  4. Don't you think that a 950 is a little big for a starter bike ? I say starter " as you still have to do the endorsment test"
  5. Congrats on your new toy mate. True 3gs ftw, I love iPhones sin e 1st gen.
  6. congartulations, Pink Licen still ? they started giving them in pink color in new phila
  7. Cbr's 1000 are awesome " I hear " welcome to the forum.
  8. BikerBoy

    More HD BS

    couldn't agree more, a comparising between an Hd soft tail and a Kawi ninja is stupid, and too unfair for the lovely ninja. And about us pussies, I am sure we are men enough to make you pregnant " mr man pussy proud owner" the last comment is : fuck you , and fuck your hardly and fuck every rider who has such an attitude " no matter what they ride " ohhh and you can suffle that 850 commander up ur *** people with such small and silly attitude like yours , are ruining the bikers reputation all over the world.
  9. Guess I will be going back to my original plan enjoy smoking hookah tonight hahaha
  10. My only time off is Sunday's after noon, and I am really untreated in meeting some of you peeps, have been on here for few months now and don't k ow any, was thinking about smoking some hookah in Akron this sunday's afternoon but if some people wana meet, ride around or anything like that I'd be more interested, can meet anywhere around new phila or canyon Akron, and if not, I'll be smoking my hookah that evening done with work around 7, gotta be home before midnight, or my wife will let me hug her not that night and sleep in the living room so what do you guys think ?
  11. sorry but i still see the repsol as more sexy ..... " my opinion " and more cc's too
  12. Would anyone like to ride it down with a 250 ? I would love to start meeting somepeople . But again it's a 250 and would love to meet people leaving or in new phila , Akron, canton of course if weather permits.
  13. welcome " how you make that pictures of ' this thread is worthless without pictures ?'"
  14. Welcome mate, I've moved to the states 7 monthes ago my self
  15. You betta, it might be a 250 but it still a ninja " ninja face "
  16. yep those are the tires i have...... how can i check the tires ? or where ? if anyone knows a place near New Philadelphia , or in a riding distance
  17. Come again ? the red one is faster " gosh " thats awesome, maybe i should brag about it from now on red kawi ftw
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