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NightRider last won the day on November 26 2012

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About NightRider

  • Birthday 11/14/1985

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    2003 Yamaha R6

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  1. Xbox One X (newest version) for sale with 4 games. Played only a handful of times. Virtually new. All cords and controller. Everything works perfectly and all games are in great shape Games Assassin's Creed Origins-No case Prey- Brand new Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Mafia 3 $400 for everything. Pm me or call text 740 304 2386
  2. I am posting this for a good friend of mine. I have personally rode the bike and know it's in top mechanical shape. 2003 Yamaha V Star 1100. Cool little rat rod-ish bike. 8,157 miles as of today. He is no longer riding it due to having knee surgery. Here is the Craigslist link to it. His number is 740-689-5713. His name is Bobby. If you have any questions here, i can get them answered for you. 2500$ http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/4695353098.html
  3. I've never heard anything about that. I doubt it? I contacted them and said your trigger is by far the worse i've ever came across.
  4. No. I still have to order the kit. and there is a video of how to install it on the Apex website. However, like i said, i am not comfortable taking it apart and trying this. Not having ever taken a firearm apart. If i had before, i would definitely try it myself. If i somehow mess it up, then i'm in an even worse position with a shiny paper weight. I would like to have someone do it, and watch them so i learn something
  5. I recently purchased a Smith&Wesson SD9. I had dry fired an SD9 and SD40 before i purchased the 9, and didn't think it would be that bad. WRONG. The trigger is just absolute horrible. There's no way you can be accurate with it. It's stiff, and you have to squeeze it all the way back for the pistol to fire. So i'm going to order the spring kit for it. Does anyone here know how to install a spring kit, and can anyone do it in the Lancaster/Columbus area and for how much? Apex Tactical wants to charge i think 120$. Not happening, and i'm not comfortable doing it myself. Here is the spring kit in question. https://apextactical.com/store/product-info.php?pid57.html If anyone could help me out, i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Shawn
  6. Pretty sure that was him then. Talked about a lot of Glocks.
  7. Thanks Jason. I'm not sure who got me in the range the other day (been meaning to ask his name) but he cut me some deals on price of rentals, ammo and targets
  8. I'm going to go with...your hands are too small for the .45 lol. In all seriousness, i don't think he's wanting to sell the Para Ordnance outright.
  9. I have been offered 3 guns, which of 2 i can choose for trade, but i am not sure of the value. I was at Ohio Valley in Lancaster, and asked an older gentleman behind the counter and he quoted me as follows: 300$ for a Romanian Ak-47. 400$ for a Para Ordance 1911 .45 double stack. 700$ for an upgraded Saiga .20 shotgun. So i have to come you guys, as you know far more than i do. I have been given limited details on these guns, i have only seen pictures of the shotgun and Ak. Both appear to be in good condition. So can anyone help me out with the values for these Romanian Ak-47 Saiga .20 shotgun (upgraded) Para Ordnance 1911 .45 double stack (P14?) Thanks in advance, i appreciate it.
  10. Probably in for this, just let me know when and where
  11. Sun should work best for me. I'm more interested in the Hi Point, but i just might take both guns.
  12. Shawn, when would a good time be to come and take a look/buy the Hi Point? Pm me. For what ever reason i cant do it on my phone
  13. Shut yer mouth Adrian, if it works it works! Haha If i had the cash, i would buy it.
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