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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Heard about this a while back. Crazy.
  2. You have a pic, or...a stock pic of this jacket? I need to get a good one.
  3. Happy b-day! Looks like your having fun, that's all that matters. You get in your b-day suit yet?
  4. Good to hear it's running. Keep it up man, props to all of you guys for helping each other. That's what friend's are for.
  5. NightRider


    I never commented on any of the previous threads, but yeah...believe it is.
  6. How fast can that thing go...and will it turn?
  7. Just between you and me...don't mention the HD. Jk:D We accept all bikes here...but you may notice some "friendly" HD debates. Ride what you ride man!
  8. No way buddy. I know! That last mustache ride....was phenomenal! Good to have people looking out for the well being of the ladies of OR.
  9. Been looking at all these. To me...this has been the funniest one i have read so far. Vintage Liquor Posted at: 2009-06-09 01:43:45 Original ad: Collector looking for vintage scotch, rum, cognac, bourbon, etc. Willing to pay top dollar for fine bottles. From Timmy Tucker to **********@**********.org Hey there! I saw your ad on ********** and have some "vintage" liquor you may be interested in. I have about half a handle of Captain Morgan's Rum, a rare vintage rum from the Caribbean. I bought this at a liquor store on Long Island in 2007, and believe that its taste has really aged to perfection. I am willing to sell this for $300. I also have a very rare bottle of Aristocrat Tequila. You can taste the fine vintage in every sip. I acquired it from a friend who says he bought it at a liquor store in Baltimore in 2005. You can really taste that southern atmosphere in this one! Due to its rarity, I will sell this for $500. Also, if you are interested, I have about half a case of vintage Natural Ice beer. It was acquired from a frat party I was at about a month ago. This frat has a very old history with Syracuse, and that history came with the beer. It doesn't get much more vintage than this. I will part with this at $50 per can. I really hate to see this stuff go, but after my third DUI, the court ordered me to do a program that involves me staying sober, so I think it is best that I part with this rare liquor. Please let me know if you are interested. I have several other buyers lined up, so I will need to know very soon. Thanks, Tim From Evan ******* to Me Tim, You must be crazy to consider that bottom-end liquor "vintage." I am not interested and am insulted that you would even try to sell me such cheap liquor at such ridiculous prices. Evan From Timmy Tucker to Evan ******* Evan, I am very disappointed that you are not interested in these vintage treasures. Every bottle and can I sell comes with priceless historic value. Please reconsider, because I don't think you will find an offer like this anywhere else. - Tim From Evan ******* to Me Are you nuts? You want to sell me beer you stole from a frat, that is a month old, for $50 a can? I am NOT INTERESTED. From Timmy Tucker to Evan ******* Evan, I did not steal that beer, and I resent the accusation. Please reconsider purchasing this. I am a recovering alcoholic, and fear that I will drink again if I am unable to get rid of this booze. Please do not make me drink again! Tim From Evan ******* to Me Why don't you just throw the booze away? You have problems, man. From Timmy Tucker to Evan ******* WJKAJF EVAN U RUNED MY LIF. I DRNK ALL THE BOTTLE. U MADE ME CRSH MY CAR AND RUN AWAY NOW POLICE RJSGJKEW. WIFE IN HOSPTAL. i HATE U EVEN U DISTROY LIFE
  10. NightRider


    That's what i was thinking. I'm pretty sure that not all of them, were bought brand new.
  11. Are we playing internetz tuff guy here?? Those were jokes.
  12. I'll take my chances lol. Inya? I know. Nothing against Mj...but i'm worried about Ninjachk. Like i said...you is real scarry... Should the women of OR start a gang? Something like the powder-puff girls?
  13. WHAT!? This isn't 1933 man! Fack! Wait...Mj...Ninjachk....on the web...for $...for Don's v-card. Money goes to Or, Don gets wittle jimmy waxed...and....Ninja has a demonstration video for dreamgirls! WIN WIN.
  14. Very nice idea. Awesome! Seriously, nice job. Haha. Not sure which one i like the best, but these are all KICK ASS!
  15. When did Mj start riding as a passenger? Joking of course. Looks like that could be an interesting ride.
  16. Sorry....gotta ask. And...your woman's opinion on THAT^^ is...? Sorry i is a pervert...
  17. That sucks. I'm basically in the same position...but without your "nerdtastic" credentials.
  18. NightRider


    I luv you long ti...oh wait. Jk with you big guy!
  19. NightRider


    He found it!? Fucking miracle.
  20. NightRider


    Gotta go with Mr A.
  21. I'd really like too, but i've had some unfortunate events come up in the past 2 days. Let's just put it this way...i now have a bike...but need to look for another job. FML. Never fails man lol. I'm up for riding anytime though. Who knows, i might make it out sometime soon, not gonna rule it out.

  22. But...but..no i really wuv you MJ. I kid...Mj is teh awesome. Very nice, very pretty, smart and rides bikes. Wtf more do you want? Just pleeeease don't beat the shit out of me! I is sorry. I is sorry!
  23. You caught that? Good job. Those are considered baby Vmax's by motorcyclists.
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