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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Here is the new bike. FINALLY. Drove to Cinci to pick this up. 2 hrs up, 2 hrs back down...and then 2 hrs back up to again finally pick it up and ride it home. Performed flawlessly on the way home. Rather windy. Here it is. Super clean 1985 Honda Sabre V65. V65 Sabre. Honda Chicken Strips....need gone. Clean Engine. No leaks. Digital Dash. Rather quite bike with baffles in. Little bit of a windshield. Let me know what you guys think. Definitely not perfect...but for an 85 (old as me) it looks pretty good. With over 100 hp it pulls pretty hard. Can hit over 100 in 3rd gear. I know that's easy for a sportbike. Best part about it...it's faster than my brother's 1400cc Boulevard. As long as my work schedule works out...i should be able to make it to a bike night or two...and the meet and greet coming up.
  2. You've seen it before? I finally got ahold of him...and guess what? The jackass mentions it has 2nd gear issues! NO WHERE in the ad...does it mention that. I said fuck it. No way in hell i'm paying 1500$ for a bike..then immediately more for a trans issue.
  3. Wow. Jc man. So sorry to hear this. Hope both of them make it out ok. Best wishes!
  4. lol. Just looking for another set of eyes and ears. I should be fine looking at them. I got stupid...and jumped on the last bike. Lesson learned.
  5. Not sure. But...i'll be riding the shit out of it lol. All day, everyday...weather permitting. Yeah, definitely was gonna offer 1300$ for it and see what he said. Sounds good. I'll probably go take a look at it sometime tomorrow. After 2. Not sure when i'll start the drive. It's about a 3 hr drive for me.
  6. Finally got some damn money rolling in (finally got a job) and...looking to ride before warm weather leaves. I have 1500$ definitely not alot...but from what i've seen on Cl...i should be able to get a descent older bike. So...if you or anyone you might know is looking to get rid of a bike in that price range...let me know. I'm off Friday and Saturday...and will be using both days to look. There is a magna in Painesville, i guess near Cleveland? Would anyone close by be interested in checking it out with me? Beer, lunch, or whatever on me. I like the v65's and found a Sabre. One concern is 40,000 miles. Seems a little high to me. Here is the ad. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1332230840.html Whatever happens...i'll let you guys know and take pics!
  7. Not the kind of bike i was looking for...but awesome either way. Also...i was waiting for some lesbo action to happen....never did. I has a sad.
  8. This is kinda funny...and kinda sad at the same time. Some may call you a pussy...and try and act all hardcore...and say they would have rushed out and confronted the assholes in your drive way. Me? No....but...i will say this. There's a line...people don't/can't cross. Whether you look like kawi kid (small and short ) or Brock Lesnar....you gotta man up for valuables (especially bikes...and your home) and DO NOT let anyone put you...or your family in jeopardy. I'm not saying you should have rushed out there at all...what i'm saying is...learn to defend yourself and your family. Guns and ammo...are a last resort....but your body can be used as a weapon as well...if need be. Glad nothing happened. Make sure to keep an extra eye on your bike. Maybe have some family, or friend's case your house...and see if they notice anything else suspicious. Good luck.
  9. You know this woman? Way....way too much glitter. She work at dreamgirls?
  10. Damn lol. Are you riding on a goldwing?
  11. I offer free ass massages to all hot women. Free of charge. No need to thank me.
  12. lol. Haven't heard about this until now. Nice find.
  13. Dude...seriously...re take photo with some fucking pants on.
  14. lol. Or you could be like "shut your damn dirty mouth, your whore of a mother gave me both! Jk:D But yeah....so wrong...to have shit like this on the market and viagra commercials every 10 min.
  15. He's been ripping woolies on it.
  16. How much did he end up paying for that Ninja?
  17. Holy shit...who knew you could drift a go kart? Looks like alot of fun.
  18. [quote name=magley64;304299 As expected' date=' she fell asleep on the way back. I guess she's pretty stable and comfy back there... She fell asleep on the bike...while riding?
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