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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. That horse had to of been like shoot me, shoot me, shoot me, shoooooot me!!! Ffs find me a gun i'll do it myself! lol. Poor horse. I've been horse riding. It really isn't that hard to get on the horse. Not to mention she had help from the bed of the truck. Seriously?
  2. Seriously. I have not met any female that doesn't like the rascal faggot boys. I mean...you know. Rf!
  3. Since he hasn't said anything yet. I will on his behalf. Wtf are you trying to say....mang!?
  4. Can anyone say fucking pedophile?
  5. You and your bike look real nice man. No...really. Sorry to hear. Heal up soon, get the bike fixed and get back out there!
  6. Yes. Is there ever such a thing as a "little bit o' crack"? The good stuff. Get some.
  7. Awwww. I feel so sorry for Yota. So Mj. If any girl would be lucky to have him...why aren't you 2 making your own sex tapes together...?
  8. The country is awesome. Usually no neighbors around to bother you. You can do anything you want. Beer, bonfires and bewbies.
  9. There's always someone to bring down the property value of an area. lol.
  10. Nice. So...let's take the dick thing to a different level. That kid's house you were talking about? Yeah....you should walk over...and explain what happened. Talk to his parents, then...ask the little bitch himself if he knows anything.
  11. That works lol. Saw the thread about your car man. Sorry to hear. What kind of car did you have in the garage?
  12. lol. I really didn't, but thought i would throw something in there. That's like the 2 MEN ENTER ONE MAN LEAVES!!! Thing. Do i getz a cookie?
  13. in the desert...for the ultimate death race. Only on pay per view!!!
  14. Maybe you can get married at that castle...with a pot full of the "good stuff" you freaking leprechaun.
  15. Haha. Where's Jrm? No fat chicks allowed! I honestly didn't expect that out of you. Ok...a couple things. 5'7 is a tad short. So...finding women shorter...might be an issue. Might. The nose issue, what exactly...would be considerd "not right"? Sure. If it does for you. The thing is...it still doesn't sound like an issue. Gotta get yourself out there man.
  16. WTF....? ^^. Take what i say with a grain of salt man. I may rip on you, but mostly i'm just joking around with you. If you can't joke about it, (whatever it is) it's just gonna be that much worse. I guess...life isn't all that bad...if you can't get a woman. I know this girl...her bf is 27, and she's 22. He's still a virgin...and won't even touch her. And she's an attractive woman! What a waste imo. High standards are good like Mj said, but...if you set them so high...your never gonna find one that meets them. Good luck finding a hottie like Jessica Alba...(in her prime) she's had devil child since then.
  17. Still. If the (her) parents want to fuck you over...if they get pissed off at you. Your screwed. Try explaining that to your friend's, family, co-workers, potential employers ,etc. Not to mention...in my experience...older, or the same age women are always the way to go.
  18. I don' get to watch too much tv. But when i do i watch Supernatural. Wrecked, all the motorcycle related shit on the speed channel (as well as cars) and how i met your mother on cbs. Forgot family guy. Love that show!
  19. BURN!!! Wow. In all seriousness....you guys have dicks right...? USE IT OR LOSE IT! Seriously...grow a set...and let a girl know whats up. Preferably one that's 18 or older.
  20. +1. Nothing like hot female ass crack. Mmmm...
  21. Nice body on the right...but not digging the face.
  22. Holy shit! Already looks like a totally different bike. That just from cleaning...?
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