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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. I had a blast today. Thanks to EVERYONE for setting this up. To john for letting us use his garage and providing food. To Jcmathis and Phil for painstakingly taking off plastic piece after plastic piece riddled with screws and the occasional bolt. Phil for calling around and pricing the tiny part that costs a small fortune and is apparently made out of magical materials. To Ebon for showing and keeping us company. And...to Shawn and Carie. Somehow i got 2 amazing Yuengling out of carie's hospitality. To Shawn...well...not sure what you did...but thanks anyway man! I appreciated your cleaning skills and everyone's help today. Had fun tagging along on the small ride. Rain actually felt pretty good believe it or not.
  2. Anyone else planning on riding to this, rain or not? Should make it out. Pretty close.
  3. Looks REALLY clean man. I spy some money in the cup holder. In all seriousness good luck with sale.
  4. I can key the shadow for you? Just trying to be helpful.
  5. Did it lick you...as you were mouthing it...? Poor bf...
  6. +1. Not to burst your bubble...or your balls. But the bike books around 2700.
  7. What would make you say that?
  8. What are you waiting for...? No better time than now. Plenty of 250's out there. Or cheap cruisers if sportbikes aren't your thing.
  9. Welcome to the site. What do you ride?
  10. That has to be one of the funniest video's i've ever watched.
  11. No. No you didn't. lol. I think...something's happening...? Don't know...i kind sorta agree with you? It must. I needz teh time to heal. For realz. No. Seriously...nothing to see here. Please move along.
  12. Your telling me...you couldn't have "persuaded" him to let you...keep your bike?
  13. I was just starting to forget that JRM. Thanks buddy.
  14. Was this a shameless plug for you boy toy!?
  15. Not quite. Here it comes. With all due respect and shit. Last time i checked, this is the OR site. If we don't like someone or something, there's usually a pretty big fucking reason. I think the hate is clearly mutual. So...as some "english majors" have said before if you don't like this place and the inhabitants. Move the fuck on. No one is gonna cry. Promise.
  16. NightRider

    No caption

    Wow! When did they let 12 yr olds become police officers?
  17. Looking great! Any idea on how long its gonna take?

  18. I have nothing in this thread...and nothing against anyone. However...i think by the grace of fucking megatron...you've managed to make everyone from OR want to punch you in your face.
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