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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Looks perfect. What's every one bitching about?
  2. Where would you want to meet? Somewhere on 212?
  3. Happy birthday sir.

  4. That was YOU!? Jk. I was wondering who it was. It wasn't a big deal, and i didn't see damage at the time. Only did i notice the turn signal when the 2nd rider went down. I wasn't able to get it in ALL the way, but good enough. Still works. The reason i stopped so suddenly was...i was about to turn...another rider came up beside me. As i remember, there wasn't room for 2 bikes to move pass uncle punk. That's why i stopped, to let the other biker/rider go. Again, not a big deal. My fault for stopping like that. Just didn't want to hit anyone myself. Btw...we know Suntorn went down. But who was the other rider on the Gsxr?
  5. Hey Josh. Good meeting you man. Thanks for letting me tag along with you to BK.

  6. You just answered your own question.
  7. This is my 2nd one of the year. lol. Next month? Sounds good man. You got any current pics of the bike?

  8. Well. Let's face it. Crystal isn't exactly a Carrie Underwood. Sure, she can sing the phonebook...and do it well...but she's not a streamlined...commercial "barbie doll". She's different. With her dreads, and her one missing tooth. She has a indie, old school vibe. Ala Me and Bobby Mcgee, Ala Janis Joplin. Nothing wrong with that at all. Unfortunately that's not what most people want to see. They want the sexy Carrie Undewood's and the pretty boy's. Aka Kris Allen. Lee is somewhat of a pretty boy. He sounds good, but no where near what Crystal does. You know there will be hundreds of teenage girls buying his music for years to come. As for as Crystal...she's not mainstream...so finding her ideal fan base will be a little tougher. Again...not saying it's right, it's actually pretty damn sad...but it's the way it is. I would have liked to see Crystal win for sure...just being an Ohioan. She did a great job all season coming off hard working, humble, determined and deserving. Except for this Tuesday she threw it all away imo. The very 1st song...sounded like him more than anything. A couple people i watched it with mention it sounded exactly like him as well. And...i wouldn't be surprised if Michael sang "nasty boys" either.
  9. Yes. If it was purely...a singing competition. Crystal won....hands down. Since it is also a popularity contest...Lee won. Out of the 2...you can't really be upset with who won/lost. Sure...they were both good/great (Crystal all biasness aside, sounded better) but they will both get record deals. And on Tuesday's show...i really felt Crystal went out of her way to incite votes with sympathy (crying) and ass kissing. Not to mention...her subtle cockiness. In a perfect world...just out of sheer talent...Crystal would go farther and sell more records. But...as we know it is not. Unfortunately as good as she is, she's not as commercial as Lee. So we'll likely see Lee sell more records, and go farther. Not saying it's right at all, but that's the way it works. And yes...Janet did sound exactly like Michael. Which...was rather creepy. I kept wondering if she was lip singing and they were using a recording of him.
  10. Thank you! The only time...she ever came close to being remotely hot...was when she stepped in the cage.
  11. I saw it while surfing channels and thought it could be interesting. But...it also came off that it could be kinda cheesy as well. Guess i'll have to watch an episode. They had...what 4 in a row on?
  12. If your looking to be able to touch the ground on a sportbike, i would say find a bike with a low seat height obviously. Naked sportbikes (streetfighters) are good options. The Honda X11, the Triumph Speed Triple. Maybe even a Suzuki GS 500. Good luck. If you wait, and look long enough i'm sure you can find something that will work for you.

  13. Glad to hear you had fun. Yesterday and today were great riding days. Btw...try not to show anyone up on your future toy. ;)

  14. Haha. Definitely. Are you looking for a 600? Take it you been busy with work? We miss you not being around so much.

  15. Hey lady. Are you getting another bike? :D

  16. Todd mentioned it in his perverted post.
  17. It was good meeting you, Sam, GoJira...and Logan...was it?
  18. It was awesome. Did you get to see it in person?
  19. People gotta get up early to afford their toys man.
  20. Wow. Very sorry to hear Fonz. Glad your family is ok. Best wishes man.
  21. Oh...yeah way to throw me under the bus.
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