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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. The ride to you, would be roughly close to 2 hrs. But, it's pretty simple. Just have a couple things to do. I know it doesn't help you NOW. But...if you want...set up one for next week. And i'll do my best to make it out. And you'll give people more of a notice. Might get a small group going.
  2. Wow. Not trying to be a dick. But how do you still have a license? lol.
  3. Believe it or not, the pictures...make the tires look bad. Or worse, than they are. The 1st thing i did, when then they got here...was look them over as closely as i could. If i truly felt the tires were in poor shape, or worse than the current ones...i would not put them on. There are no cracks, no dry not, no holes. I'll definitely be monitoring the tires once they are on. I appreciate the warnings, and concern.
  4. "tea and bagels" You mean teabagging?
  5. Here are some pics of the Current tires on the bike. The tread on the back tire is worn, and the front tire has a major cup on it. I tried to take pics, and point out the cup on the front. Front Back I appreciate the Pm and help Todd. And to everyone as well. I knew where the date code is. They are 05's. I'm open to suggestions, and not set on throwing these on here blindly. I just figured...even being old(er) they couldn't be worse than the ones on the bike. With the cup, etc. If i don't end up putting them on, they could be spares for in an emergency. These were not intended to be a long term tire solution anyway. Just some temporary tires until i could get some better ones.
  6. Not sure. I'll have to look tomorrow. I researched them. I'm pretty sure they became the Battlax BTO-20 tires? They CANNOT be any worse, old or not...than the ones on the bike now.
  7. Yep. When i was 19. So 5 years ago. In a kroger parking lot. Doing donuts in the lot. That's it. Got a ticket...had to head to court, pay fines...time wasted, etc. Insurance definitely got more expensive. And...don't quote me, as i don't remember. But i think it was 6 points on my License.
  8. Yeah. These are just temporary until i can get some better ones. If your free man. If not, no worries.
  9. That doesn't look like you at all man. lol.
  10. Rubbin's racing! Gotta agree...DP isn't really relevant. It wasn't a well thought out sexual position.
  11. Why do you say that...? I think they both would be a blast? Unfortunately, can't make either one.
  12. I was given these tires. All i had to was pay shipping which was 37$. Would have been 26$...but a box was needed. They are Bridgestone Battlax Bt 57's. I guess they came stock on the newer Yzf's. And...are now outdated...by a newer model? I can't really complain. I barely had enough to buy one tire, let alone 2. These will be, and have to be a HUGE improvement over the ones i have now. Just thought i would throw this up here. These are just temporary until i have enough for some power pures or pilot powers. Thoughts, opinions, suggestions?
  13. Could have said gramps...if it made anyone feel better...?
  14. For anyone! I'm sure...there are some here comfortable...staring awkwardly into another dude's face as they pound the chocolate starfish.
  15. Twin brother or something. Have you seen Steelers fans...? Cock rings don't really count if no one ever see's them.
  16. I say JRM should call and ask if she's open to DP.
  17. Is your kid attempting to play xbox....? Or is that just a place to stash a controller?
  18. This is also the day of the Csba ride isn't it? Would love to go, and do something like this...but i think most are already committed to the other ride. If you guys plan another one down the road, i'm in.
  19. No. Not at all Sasqautch. Does your arm get stuck in shit? Like car doors, zippers, etc? Uhhh...wasn't gonna say anything...but now that you mention it. YES! And...leave it to a Steelers fan to have Dildo's holstered to them.
  20. What? I'm 24 and Ac/Dc is the shit sir.
  21. What are you waiting for...? Start it, and they will follow.
  22. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=486131&postcount=559
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