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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Yeah. That's what i was thinking. But, that shouldn't be the case. How the hell do you feel good, and feel proud of what you do...shooting someone...sitting with their back to you...on a bike? I hope someone, anyone finds and uses him as a personal play toy.
  2. Jesus Christ! As many have stated. Not sure what the guy could have done, sitting in a position like that. Gun or not, (which i did not see). As i'm sure all cops haven't went out and had a little fun like that. I hope that fucker gets ass raped in prison over and over.
  3. Was thinking the same thing. She would get rid of her tho problem.
  4. lol. Damn. Guess C-dub saved you a deer humping. So...who the hell "technically" gets the title deer hunter? That's a thought your never gonna get out of your head now. Try not to think about it.
  5. You know what? Fuck it. Play Kid Rock's-So Hot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIBdXg6L69g
  6. Although i hate him and his actions...chris brown's Forever isn't a bad choice. Dancing references. 1st dance as a married, couple etc. And of course Garth Brooks The Dance. Just my 2 cents, take it as you will.
  7. 2 men enter one man leaves!? Gotta admit...drilling a deer with a bike...that shit is crazy. My version would have been, hitting the deer...it still being alive...and pissed off...and trying to hump me.
  8. How the hell can you see now? I guess if this happened to all women...it might explain a few things. You sir...be my hero. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avUTaohfc3U How you healing up gimpy?
  9. Are you fishing for compliments....AGAIN!?
  10. No worries. I know condoms and pills aren't foolproof. But, if your careful you should be ok. Was a joke. Just seems like everyone is getting pregnant...or wants to be pregnant. Don't really understand the logic.
  11. What's wrong with this one Tyler? Just don't like it?
  12. Why do people have to have kids...? Christ! It's called birth control. Double up on the penis wraps, or have her down half a bottle of baby pills. Worst case...maybe drink a bottle of WD-40.
  13. Ehh...what the hell?? That is like the worst ever. Thanks for bringing up the idea.
  14. Not sure...what all the hates about. Was alot of fun to me.
  15. lol. I really...don't want to trash this thread....but you do have a point.
  16. Haven't been here long have you? He sets up the bike night every week. Take a look at his profile.
  17. I would just kick her off and be done with it.
  18. I've seen the bike in person. It's a very clean, very sharp bike. Runs and sounds great.
  19. I know. Hoblick's got some great deals on tires/mounting and balancing. And yes brakes are cheap. However. I haz no monies. For real. Monkey wrench in the money i had. lol. I hate not being able to make it. As i'm free. I'm sure i'll make the one after this. After this one, when can you make the next one Todd?
  20. Hate to disappoint Todd...and everyone. But...doesn't look like i'll be able to make it on this one. Which really sucks because this is really close to me. I need tires and back brake pads.
  21. Pass it every time i head to HH. You making it out to any, soon?
  22. Hey. Your selling your Cbr?

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