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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. Glenmorangie original was my first and I loved it first sip. Never was a liquor drinker before and didn't care for Jack or Crown much in the past but these have stuck with me. FWIW, if you like peat, the Ardbeg is a monster.
  2. I read the title of this thread and thought you got one of those fluffy, feathery neck accessories.
  3. So far doesn't look like they'll have to. He hasn't been arrested yet and hopefully won't.
  4. Amen brother. I just started getting in to single malts this year and now it's all I care to drink. It's weird how well it goes with a good cigar too. Although an Ardbeg Uigeadail and Live Wire sounds good too
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/14/us/texas-abuser-killed/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
  6. http://money.cnn.com/2012/06/12/technology/verizon-share-everything-plan/index.htm?hpt=hp_t2
  7. Am I missing something other than the hot dog in his hand?
  8. Physicians can't legally disclose anything you tell them, unless you say you're going to hurt someone or yourself. Asking if there are guns in the home is part of the suicide screen too.
  9. Damn. I'd hit that... at her place... and use a fake name. Can't have a woman that well armed be able to hunt you down.
  10. Video audio uploaded. Helps to use headphones a bit to hear the low end, audio is not the best (smartphone vid), but I think you can clearly hear the difference. Original D&D Packing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLhUK6z82Bg Silent Sport Packing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvoX7FMEuJk
  11. Bought the repack material from Motorsports of Utah's website. Though, there were plenty of places that sold it. BUT, I figured it out! There was just enough misalignment between the carbon sleeve and the end piece that I put it up against a block of wood to hold the sleeve in place then used a wood block to hammer the other end and voila! Popped right out! The original D&D packing was a fiberglass mat that was shrink wrapped on as tight as humanly possible, probably nullifying any muffling qualities. The Silent Sport Premium was pretty easy to install: just put the sleeve halfway on and wrap chunks of it around in circles while packing it down with a dowel rod. Once it got to the top, had to use my fingers to pack in then mallet the unit back together. True to form, I screwed it up first time around: put the sleeve on backwards and had to repack it. BUT now that it's on, it's really a whole new muffler. It's not as quiet as most stock pipes, but it's much better now and a lot more throaty and a lot of that hollowed out, high-pitched, unmuffled sound is gone. More "WOM WOM WOM" instead of "WAM WAM WAM!!!" Definitely worth considering for quieting any can down. The 450g bag was just enough with some leftover to do my rather small volume D&D can, YMMV though.
  12. So I got my Super Sport Premium packing in today, picked up a riveter, and set out to shut my noisy D&D up a little bit. Rivets came out easily and I got all the brackets off just fine, but the carbon fiber is a sleeve over the internal part that is one big welded unit that I just can't figure out how to get off. I tried putting a dowel down the sides inside the carbon fiber sleeve but it's not moving and I don't have a good way to anchor it in place either. I got it this far by slamming the back end on the ground Yes, I clearly did not think this all the way through. In my defense, I figured once one of the ends was clear of the sleeve it would be a lot easier to move, not so. Below is a pic of where I'm at right now.
  13. Thanks guys, found one from a friend I'm gonna borrow and the silent sport premium packing comes in Monday. Here's to hoping for the best!
  14. Thanks for the links. The video I saw used what looked like compressed air rivet gun, good to know cheaper options exist. Any way to tell what size rivets to use?
  15. Have you used the silent sport? Particularly the premium? It's not a wrap, but like shredded newspaper. Does it just get packed in?
  16. Looking to try and repack my d&d exhaust to quiet it down a bit but I don't have any riveting equipment for the job. Or is there a cheap riveting option out there? Saw the silent sport packing recommendation on the other thread and will probably go with that for packing. Before anyone asks, no i can't get a new can, yes I know d&d are made to be obnoxious, and yes the can was on the bike when I got it 5 years ago.
  17. You guys could probably be saving tons by learning to file AND work your finances to manage taxes. If you learn how to fill out your own taxes (save a few hundred) and how you're taxed, you'll be set to learn how to anticipate and minimize your tax burdens. There's a reason all these rich guys pay so little effective tax rates. Tax day shouldn't be a surprise.
  18. (Min wage) / (30kids) = get more money fishing out of a mall fountain But in all seriousness, how do we, in a democratic society, respond to stuff like this? Do we keep on handing out handouts to chumps like this and perpetuate the problem or get all China "ONE BABY FOR YOU!" on their ass?
  19. This witness account would make sense with his injuries. The scratches on the back of the head could be the head slamming back into the sidewalk as blows landed to the face (broken nose, black eyes).
  20. no need. some people just don't want to root their phones. take my parents for instance.
  21. +1 to all the comments on the daughter minus BF. I moved back in to my parents place with my fiancee when I was 25 for 2 months because we had a 2 month gap between our old leases ending and our new apt opening up. But my folks knew exactly what our time frame was and there was a definite move out date. So along that lines as has been suggested before, make sure there's a plan set up for her to get out again and that it's clear that it's a temporary situation (even if temporary is a year or so if it really ends up being necessary, only you can know that for sure). I also really like this. It makes you the good guy on both ends: pushing for responsibility up front and helping her out down the road when she's out of the house. Might even help her learn the value of an emergency fund. Though, I will admit, the "I've never been a parent before" side of me says making them camp out in the back yard is a good compromise.
  22. It's amazing how much this story has changed in the media since the day it happened and I think it speaks volumes to our hype-driven "news" media these days. Article with some photos of Zimmerman from day of the incident: http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/17/justice/florida-teen-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Zimmerman had two black eyes, broken nose, and lacerations on the back of his head: http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/16/justice/florida-teen-shooting/index.html?iid=article_sidebar Still reserving judgment on this one, but it's frustrating how this national hate-fest exploded from "White guy (pictured in jail garb) shoots innocent teen armed with nothing but Arizona Tea and Skittles" to now "Hispanic man who clearly was involved in a serious altercation shot teen with pot in his system." This shit is too driven by tabloid-esque journalism. Hell half the time on major news websites the front page "news" is an opinion article masquerading as news.
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