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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. Ducati SportClassic 1000? 92hp, 67 ft-lbs. Just stumbled upon a few on eBay. Now if the wife will let me overspend a little... Ahhh i love that sound!
  2. Check with your doc about the beer. Just be cautious and see how it affects your blood sugar. http://www.livestrong.com/article/83338-beer-diabetes/
  3. I like it, but I've never heard of Norton. Where could you even get one? Seems like it should be a lot nicer than the Bonnie with the Ohlins shocks, better engine, etc. Edit: looks like they're fairly new in the USA and selling around $20k... way out of my league
  4. I actually really like the look this guy pulled off, if only there was another 20-30 hp... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDqTKRzYAUE
  5. I knew I was opening a can of worms here. I'm 5'9" 150 and my reason for looking to swap is I just don't use the R6 like I feel it's meant. I mostly just ride to school/work/etc. and not much in the way of twisties. I do love popping the throttle open on a back road and shitting my pants a little, but every time I take it out I feel like I should be riding spirited, but I just don't. So I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for exactly. I like the idea of something a little more capable of taking a trip on comfortably with a more neutral riding position, but I don't like the idea of taking all the fun out of the wrist. I don't like the idea of a heavy, tough to handle bike. I'm thinking about the Bonneville actually, but I fear the 67hp is going to take too much fun out of the ride. I like the idea of a little darker, less sporty/modern look too. Uggh...
  6. ^^^This^^^ The thing with Diabetes is that the medicines the doc can give you can only do so much, it's really how you manage your diet and exercise habits that have the biggest impact on your outcome. With Type 2 diabetes, if you keep your blood sugar in normal ranges your life will be the same as someone without diabetes. As ninja said, be serious about this, diabetes can be a serious condition and cause an enormous range of problems IF you don't take it seriously and manage your diet and exercise and stick to your workouts as this will improve your sensitivity to insulin around the clock. Do some reading from reputable websites (as i'm sure you are!) and talking with your doc openly and honestly about how you're doing and areas that are tough for you to manage. Like Ninja said, if you manage diet and exercise well, you may not even need any medication whatsoever. First line of therapy is diet and exercise changes, then he may choose to add any number of medications like metformin. Insulin is likely way down the road. Just make sure you set realistic goals for your workouts and diet, it's better to make lasting improvement gradually than to think you have to run a 5k daily and get disheartened. Good luck man, sounds like you're already geared up mentally kick that sugar's ass! My uncle was diagnosed with T2DM a few months ago and I wish he had your attitude.
  7. Yeah I'm really looking for lightweight and easy to handle. I rode my dad's Honda shadow a while back and didn't like the handling characteristics. Seemed too heavy on the turn in. Looking for smaller but still with some umph. How's the Bonneville? Seems a little light on the horsepower.
  8. Anyone have experience with victory?
  9. I'm not necessarily expecting to be as fast as the R6 but would like it to still be quick around town and the highway. Any other bikes styled like the Nightster or the others that I've not considered?
  10. Thinking about selling the R6, it's still a great bike but part of me wants a more comfortable, casual bike. So I'm looking for suggestions. I'm partial to something like the Harley Nightster or a street fighter like the Buell Lightning or a cafe like the Triumph Thruxton and was hoping for some feedback on those and any other recommendations. Anyone with experience with any of these?
  11. Apparently AMC Theaters has banned masks in their theaters in the wake of this incident. That will prevent zero shootings and would make zero difference in this case.
  12. Yes, it was beyond tragic, but let's not cheapen it by running around calling everyone who hadn't gotten word of it insensitive and uncaring. I wonder how many people said they were "dead tired" on facebook or twitter today? Unreal how people will go out of their way to hate on gun owners sometimes. http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/20/tech/social-media/nra-tweet-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  13. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2012/07/18/elderly-man-saves-cafe-full-people-shooting-gun-wielding-robbers-nbc What a awesome old guy! Notice how fucking fast crooks flee when a law-abiding citizen pulls a gun?
  14. this is great! What was he planning to tell her when he got back in the "getaway" car? "Umm, it's the change from my $500 bill I used to buy my Doritos?" Step 2: when threatening to use a weapon, even if it's FAKE, put your finger on the trigger.
  15. Hold out til VZ gets the Galaxy S3. Just got it on sprint and it's slick. Don't let the "retina" display fool you, while it is a very nice screen, new HD phones like the S3 or EVO LTE with 1280x720 resolution have a pixel density on par with the iPhone and just as nice of colors, they just lack the marketing gimmick name. Maybe they're on lower-end Android phones. I had an original EVO for 2 years and the new S3 with ICS is smooth as butter, even when I used aftermarket firmware to root the EVO for free hotspot functionality.
  16. Here's Reggie going for a swim while we jet ski at Eastwood Metropark
  17. Best part is, just claim he was still high and chewing on the dog when you shot him. They find pieces of the pooch in his stomach and drugs in his system, your story sticks easily.
  18. I bet it sucks to be the infantry that gets hit with that
  19. I'll give yeast the credit for beer, so we're safe.
  20. i stand corrected. i'd just always heard anything smaller than a .380 for self dense was fairly worthless.
  21. I might get flamed for this, but this is the problem with a trial by jury: if you're "peers" are stupid enough, shit like this gets through. The other question is who carries a .22 for self-defense after being mugged? Was he planning to annoy the next criminal who mugs him?
  22. I've got about a full inch to bring the rear axle up to adjust for chain slack. And you're right, Isaac, it would narrow the wheel base to bring the axle up a bit, which might make it a bit easier to turn in, but I doubt it'll be noticeable.
  23. About 3 weeks ago I got a new 520 chain kit for my 04 R6 and went -1/+0 on the gearing thinking I wouldn't want to step it up to the "traditional" -1/+2 gearing and now having second thoughts and wishing I'd gone +2 on the back. Will a +2 sprocket have a large enough diameter over the stock size that it will make a difference in terms of chain length needed? I've obviously already cut and linked the new chain and just want to know that i'll have enough slack in the chain to swap the 48T rear for a 50T rear without having to get a new chain. On second thought, I can swap sprockets without breaking the chain, right?
  24. Here's a few shots I took of some passion flowers in Florida a few years back. I think these are some of the most incredible flowers on the planet:
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