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Posts posted by EvilTwin

  1. Should have told me before I left,I could have given you the key to my bike. Send yota a message ask him if he has one of my spares, he knows where the bike is to.

    Hmm, I might have to talk to Yota then, b/c my bro's bike has to be warmed up by a space heater for 30mins before it'll start in this cold weather.

  2. Yeah he's is critical condition and if he lives they're slapping him with a whole list of charges; Criminal Speeding, operating under the influence, fleeing, reckless op, etc. This event was quite the buzz around school yesterday. Apparently he was in a 45mph hour zone, dumb ass. Thank god he wasn't an MMI student or that would just be another tally against us.

  3. That "positive neutral" is an interesting feature - never knew that existed. Does it ever fail in a bad way (not allowing 1-2 shift when moving)?

    I could see a situation where it might do that; I have never encountered anyone who had that problem.

    Crf69, if there was an existing problem there were no symptoms; but I really dun care so untill I completely rebuild the motor when I roll over 50k I'm not going to worry about it. The little balls are probably just gunked up of something.

  4. Yep, all kawi's have positive neutral engagement balls in their tranny's, which means (theoretically) that it is impossible to shift into 2nd at a stop, b/c the balls will not allow the gear to move that direction until the centrifugal l force produced once the bike is moving pushes the balls outward. Unless you have my bike, in which case it will now shift into 2nd at a stop, not exactly sure why it started doing this after I put full synthetic oil in it; if anything that should make those little balls not stick in place.

  5. If you paid for the gas i would ride it out there for you. I have a buddy in Phoenix I could stay with and I have some nice airline perks

    Well you could always stay at my house :D but like I said, I just bought a dirt bike and the 636 needs tires and track days are about to start back up... so no extra monies for another bike :(

  6. 999 posts? :wtf:

    You need to postwhore more.

    Well I racked up my post count pretty darn quick when I lived in Ohio, but now that I'm in phoenix I just don't keep up with ORDN as much as I used to. Hard to participate in the bike night discussions when I can't go to them. :(

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