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Everything posted by balaormiga

  1. I guess that is one way to keep the hounds at bay....
  2. >Fingers in ears while humming out loud< Lucky @#$%
  3. I understand that! I balance my cars/bikes with Latin dancing on the weekends, my wife is latin... loves to dance. Me..I just try and keep up.. a man does what he has to do.. to keep his toys.
  4. I may meet you guys at Chipotle, grab a bite and scoot. Just to meet some of you young fellas...and put faces to names.
  5. Sweet G35. That was on my list for some tme as it does have a backseat For our daughter. Albeit small.
  6. There you go! That would be a dream car.
  7. Now that's what my wife likes. Big, Aggressive 4 - wheelers. You're probably right. I should just hold out for what I want... the Lotus.
  8. Wow... I need to buy stock in some beer companies.
  9. Hmmmmm.... nice is the only word I can think of and not get edited.
  10. The Solstice does seem a bit pricey for what you get. However, I would not buy a new one when I can get a low mileage used one for $10-12,000 less. They have factory boost kits that still honor the warranty now. Boost hp to 290. The Lotus would be my first choice... ahhhhh.... all depends on the economy...and my salary
  11. All good points. I would have to think long and hard if I were on the jury.
  12. Actually there was no set point in my example. I have done this just to watch the other person zooom off while I immediately let off the gas and laughed. Probably not a good thing to do but.....
  13. I got harrassed by Mustang/Z28 owners about my MR2. As I'm sure I would if I owned a Lotus. You'd never get one on the curves long enough to show them why. Quite frankly - I have a wide interest .. muscle cars , sports cars, bikes cruiser and sport. Just not enough garage space and money. Though I must say I've been waiting on the new Camaro. Mileage thing will kill me most likely.
  14. QUOTE: "I don't think people should have to carry insurance to drive a car. Plus, driving is a privilege and not a right. " With that said I see no reason to discuss this further either.
  15. LOL -- Hey I wouldn't critcize it to that extent. It has good potential with a bit of tuning and suspension work. The turbo is ludicrously small but.. can be upgraded. I have a family, mortgage kids etc. so I have to think about the money aspects. I was considering a Z06 but ... insurance, mileage etc. bites into the wallet. The Lotus gets good mileage and kicks butt. At twice the cost of the Solstice. It's a shame to talk mileage and sports car in the same sentence but that's married life.
  16. The money argument is just that an argument. How many times have I heard people complain about not having money for something and then light up a cigarrete. If you are that poor how did you get the gun in the first place? In this country it is primarily about priorities. If you fear for your life that much get an extra job long enough to afford the permit etc.. The average gun costs several times the cost of a permit. I could go on and on. How could I show you an example? Show me an example where a thief was deterred by an open carry gun? Permits insure the individual is at least minimally knowledgeable enough to safely carry a gun without shooting innocent bystanders trying to show it off to his buddies. Why not let people drive without a license and insurance? Is that only for people with money as well? The whole "poor" people needing protection as well has way too many holes.
  17. Agree. One reason I went with my leftover 2007 CBR 1000RR is because I got it for less than a new 600. ( ~$8500) The GSXR is the better buy. Look around you can do better than those prices even if you have to drive a bit.
  18. I have a CCW. However, I must agree with the officers on this one. Why cause panic and concern when it is not necessary? Just because you can? You do not have to carry OPENLY. There is no real reason to, except as a blatant display. Doing so, in my opinion, may actually reduce the effectiveness of the gun for defense. If I was going to rob you and saw the gun I would approach you accordingly or shoot you from a distance first. Maybe knife you first and rob you later! Any of a combination of things because I now know you are armed. You lose the element of surprise. Much like a Martial Arts expert walking around in his uniform. More likely than not he'd get his butt kicked by people just to prove a point.
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