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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. Until Apr 20th....thanks for your help!!

  2. Get your post count up Ben, don't worry, people like you! You only have like 27 more to go.
  3. Cool, I will let you know. I have a Honda Pilot, so I can hook the trailer to that so I don't kill your gas.
  4. are you serious....?
  5. Would anyone be willing to lend me their trailor so I can pick up my new bike in Mansfield on Saturday? If you ride with me, I will buy you lunch.
  6. I think you are already sick in the head
  7. that's what i said....guess i should take blame for this one
  8. DollFace

    my update

    Do 6 years....you won't regret it!!! My own opinion is that a job is a job, and the military has the most security now days. Some people hate the air force and say they wished they had never done it, but it is because rules and dicipline are being forced upon them....and there is a lot of political crap too, but you know you just deal with it. The grass is not any greener on the other side, coming from personal experience. So, do 6 years and have fun with it! Good luck and thanks for your service!! BTW, as a medical tech, you may expect to deploy in the field. But, don't worry, you will be fine. The worst part is leaving your family, and you don't have kids, so it is that much easier.
  9. Yeah, there should be a mandatory field that automatically populates. I think better relationships could blossom that way as well
  10. Wooo hooo! I am freeeee! I will no longer have 100 messages in my inbox on Sunday!!!! Yes....I am a post whore.
  11. looks like we have a winner....or loser. Shut the f*** up!
  12. You know what I mean! I know it wasn't you....ha ha
  13. How do you not subscribe to every thread you enter? And, how the hell do you find out who gave you negative feedback? Some pansy gave me negative feedback on that post about the kid getting beat on the side of the road, and I didn't even say anything wrong! What the f***? And, just to comment back to the stupid pansy who wouldn't put their name in the comment when they so lovingly gave me negative feedback, I would fucking do something if that was my kid you dumb ass. All I said was that those people standing on the side of the road were thinking of their own well being. Sorry if you took that wrong you schmuck!
  14. I am going to try and sell it through my husband's work first. If that doesn't go well, then I will post up here and on craigslist.
  15. Well, you can always be a part of the DollFace club . Anyone can join for a nominal fee
  16. Oh dang! I am at work and cant see the pics!! Whaaaa!
  17. We should have our own little SV650 clan or something
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