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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. That's cool. I have gained a lot of weight (roughly 30 lbs) since I exited the Air Force in 2006. I just recently started to lose weight because I am taking in less calories. Finally starting to see the affects! Been eating a harty green salad for lunch with low fat cheese and low fat vinegarette dressing, with a slim fast. But, I pretty much say, calories in - calories out. There is also fitday.com I believe. Not sure if it generates a shopping list, but helps you more or less journal what you eat.
  2. Sorry to hear that. I will be praying for your dad. My sister is in remission from breast cancer. She had it pretty bad. She had both breasts removed and she is only 36. So, I can understand your pain. Stay strong in these hard times.
  3. Ha ha! Not me dear. I take what I dish, so you can give me all you got
  4. I am sure you are correct...please use your talents elsewhere.
  5. Ya...okay. First of all, we all pick on each other's services as said in other threads. Second, maybe you should just say outright that my comment was stupid instead of making yourself look stupid. Here's to you
  6. I just thought it looked awesome how the wheel sticks to the road like that while you are turning....
  7. I am sure you all have hear of this. It has been out since 2006, but I thought it was halarious. A coworker brought it to my attention. http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2006/05/11/piaggio-3-wheel-mp3-scooter/
  8. ummm...no, not if you got brains and know your rights. But, you were army right....SIR YES SIR!
  9. If the soldier explained why he wanted to leave to his superior and they said no, it IS an unlawful order.
  10. When the "direct order" is an unlawful order it doesn't count? Now who is ignorant to military life? Not me numb nuts
  11. toilet (aren't you only supposed to use one word?)
  12. DollFace


    Hewwoooow! I am now a part of this group...yay! At least saturday I will be officially.
  13. I sold my bike!!! Gotta wait till saturday at least!
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