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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. DollFace


    ^^ that is funny, but I don't want to get struck by lightning for laughing...
  2. ^^ I totally agree. I can see there is a stigma with the sport bikes, but like you said, don't want to stir that can of worms. I am certainly not here to offend. I like the naked look, but also like some of the more sportier bikes too.
  3. ^^^ eeew. what did they do with the tofu?
  4. DANG IT! Access Denied...now I have nothing to do at work!
  5. I had some really good soup at a Japanese restaraunt once and it had tofu in it.
  6. DollFace


    Happy passover to you too ! I am celebrating with you.
  7. DollFace


    Said in the simplest yet truest of forms!!! +1
  8. DollFace


    I wouldn't hold your head in shame cause it seems like you have a good strong one on your shoulders!
  9. DollFace


    Woops...fixed that....
  10. Srsly...i love tofu! At least in soup
  11. DollFace


    Good luck in the "egg hunting" department Crap there I go.... let's not turn this into a bad thread cause of me mkay.
  12. DollFace


    Dude...I fail a lot hence my signature. You can't be perfect, you just have to try to be and that is all that counts. As long as you have a good heart, it's all good. I know I say things a lot and think things, and it is unavoidable cause temptation is always there, but you get through it and God forgives you .
  13. Ha ha! That's funny. What does it have to do with the title of your thread?
  14. DollFace


    Definately not cheezy...very thoughtful .
  15. DollFace


    ^^ Good to hear you are a brother in Christ.
  16. ^^ thanks. The guy with the 2008 in Toleda wrote me back. Said he has one person that is supposed to get back with him by Friday. Said he will call me if they don't call by Friday. He also said he would take $5K for it, which is great!! So, do you prefer the naked bike over the S version? I really need to get on both. Hopefully someone brings one on Saturday.
  17. DollFace


    None of you truly know me yet, but I did want to share something with you (regardless of my violent posts you have read, so maybe I am not the best example, but I would like that to change ). Easter is on Sunday and to me it is not about bunnies and eggs. There is more to it. So, I just though I would share an article I came across The Political Meaning of Easter. Since it isn't really about politics, and there is no forum for Religion, I stuck it under off-topic. Yes, I am a Christian, and I understand some of you are not...that is okay. Don't bash me, I don't bash you...the point I am getting at here about true Christianity. I am certainly not perfect, I am human. This is Easter to me... http://www.countercurrents.org/rigby080409.htm "I'm not going to say that the resurrection is when Jesus got up from the grave. Or that, if you believe in Jesus' resurrection, then your body will get up too someday. That's a religion for children. We all start out as children and that's fine. But if our faith does not grow, then when we are afraid our immature religion will cause us to hurt other people, our immature religion will cause us to reject those who are different, our immature religion will be capable of taking advantage, enslaving, or even killing other people." I hope everyone has a great Easter, no matter what you are doing, I will be thinking of you all.
  18. Hell yeah....watch those bitches scatter like roaches!!! ha ha
  19. Seriously....I used to be a predator analyst too. That shiznit is awesome!!!
  20. you are gonna be there on saturday right? would like to meet you.

  21. g'mornin miss jess!

  22. Sounds like you drank some HaterAde! CBRZach is a "PoG" also. And, FYI we drop bombs on bitches with our keyboards!!! And you "Grunts" should be thankful we are watching your sorry asses from the sky!!
  23. Good morning sunshine. I will be at the Java place in about 10 minutes. I will be the tall chic with a reallllly bright blue shirt and black suite. See ya there.

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