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Everything posted by gsxr1000bill

  1. Didn't care for my gopro, love my contour!
  2. Damn shoulda posted when he first listed it...was trying to justify the drive! Lol
  3. Beautiful dogs! Awesome thing you do! Good luck
  4. Worth a 376 mile round trip?
  5. I've got tons of glock clips! $5 each
  6. Good deal! Sold my identical 44 that was rashed for $250 a few weeks ago!
  7. I know you said it was good but still.....chain!!!
  8. I have an auto loan through them and they have been fine so far! Never had an issue but i always pay a couple payments ahead! Never personally been in one, the car lot financed me through them with better rates than my hometown bank!
  9. Can of gas and a pack of matches! Good luck!
  10. Good deal..love mine for a cheap gun
  11. My buddy plays mw3 online and usually uses between 60-70gb a month! Thats with a 60hr a week job and a life! Online gaming burns through it super quick!
  12. Anyway you could measure the length of the longest one?
  13. Lol thought my phone was being dumb
  14. Bar end mirrors , exhaust, fender Eliminator= pure sex!
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