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Posts posted by OfcMav

  1. chambered 24/7. if its unchambered its about as useless as a rock--might as well just throw it at them...things pop off too fast to carry it unchambered - if your not comfortable carrying chambered then you probably shouldn't be carrying gun at all and just leave it at home cause you are a danger to yourself and everyone around you :)

  2. Have you ever "fought" with a demented old person? I have, several times. Local nursing home has a bad habit of letting the Alzheimer's patients run amuck and when they can't catch them we gt the call. You can reason all day long but it's like pleading with a rock to go back inside and get out of the street. Ultimately, there is no other option but to get hands on, as gently as you can, but I'm here to tell you there are some strong fucking geezers out there. Age / appearance has nothing to do with it.

    I used the "welfare" line based on the fact that it was at Wal-Mart, but based on the vocabulary, diction, and general inappropriate use of English from most of the non white bystanders, I'm gonna hold fast to my statement. Ebonics makes good cell phone video, ye-yeeeah!


  3. I just happen to think that the threat was not immediate enough to warrant that level of force that quickly.

    If you are the local expert on use of force, how do you suggest the situation should have been resolved since you must be an ibadass with that avatar and all knowing of police procedure?:nono:

  4. Huh... I'm pretty sure that was NOT the case when I went to court.

    No dash video

    No paced speed

    No clocked speed

    Charged with reckless operation and failure to comply. I had to pay my ticket down.. proof had shit to do with it.

    dont piss off your local 5-0 next time?:dunno:

  5. If he pleads guilty, he won't have a job anymore. If he pleads not guilty, and gets it kicked out on a technicality... he can keep his job. Remember, you don't have to prove a damn thing... the state has to prove beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt that, a crime was committed, that you are being charged wit the appropriate crime and that you were the one who committed the crime to a jury. 100% sure to be screwed or 90% likely to be screwed? I would take my chances too.

    :plus1: roll the dice

  6. wow..that was way too long!

    Squid Test Evaluation

    So far, 13601 people (including you) have responded to this Squid Test Survey and have been tabulated. Of those responses, the average grade is 53. Your grade was 80 (from 0 to 100), and 0 out of the 115 questions were left un-answered. The average number of questions answered in this test is 47.

    A higher grade indicates a stronger sense of common decency, and a lower grade is an indication of conspicuous squidliness and general disregard for civilized society. Your score indicates that you are a fairly responsible motorcyclist but a bit of a wise-ass.

  7. Well I am glad I have found THE first non human on earth, maybe I will get a parade.

    Dude who cares, we all make decisions and suffer their consequences and he got what was coming to him and the fact that you dont like it doesnt matter.


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