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Posts posted by OfcMav

  1. what about the idea that dry firing a gun is bad for the firing pin and other parts? I have always heard that but never looked into it.

    Only with the rimfires does the firing pin get damaged, it is a common myth to never dry fire a gun, this usually only applies to rimfires, it is an older design than centerfire, which most common handguns are. Usually a lot of .22s are rimfires. but with your common 9mm, .40, .45, etcs they are mainly centerfire.

  2. hah well with the availability of ammo, cost, and the practicality of being able to go to the range EVERY day, sometimes you gotta improvise. Besides, dry fire exercises are great to practice "trigger control" because you can focus on depressing the trigger without worrying about anticipating recoil, milking the grip, etc... Then when you go back to the range with some practice, hopefully you group your shots closer :)

    I'm not saying its a substitute for actual shooting drills, but its a nice "filler" for between sessions.


  3. Not if he wants to keep his job. Cops give tickets... they are like IRS agents with guns. If they don't give tickets.... they get fired and the Chief finds a cop who will write tickets. It's a well known part of their budget.

    But more to the point, A cop should be held to a higher standard because they are charged by soceity with the duty of enforcing the law. This man, obviously felt he was above the same laws he would arrest you for breaking. I say throw the book at him.

    :slap::boxing: easy on the IRS agent comments, LEOs are held to a higher standard by all of society...if LEOs were not then we would be having this thread. Do we enforce the law, yes(well, most of us do lol). Do some LEOs who are idiots while off duty make all other LEOs look dumb, unfortunately. Why are all LEOs judged by these few idiots? I am not for or against throwing the book at him, lets not just get everyone to jump on the cop hater throw the book at him bandwagon, besides he wasnt a cop...he is a trooper, they are not police officers haha. :rulez::popcorn::D P.S. not all officers are jerks, and contrary to popular belief, most set good examples, its the few that make poor decisions sometimes here and there that stereotypes all LEOs.

  4. Home- great meeting you all and thankful the rain held off for us!! - JBart should have some pics to post here soon! We just hit snow rd all the way back to 71---took a little longer than expected but we made it ok even after going through a downpour for 30 min on 71south. Had a great time! Hope to meet up again soon guys!


  5. You're allowed to show boob in Ohio aren't you?

    Yes it is actually legal in Ohio for a female to walk around topless - when it becomes illegal is if it is creating a disturbance - i guess the line could be a thin one and left for officer discretion - - - anyways :tits:

  6. THESE COPS HAVE WAY BETTER THINGS TO DO!!! I have ZERO respect for traffic cops! Now before I get a negative response to this hear me out... I can understand being cited for excessive speeding and other things where you actually pose a threat to society, but just cruisin 15 MPH over on a clear sunny day with no traffic... And with all the responses of people who think this is allowed it's not! Not in the ENTIRE state of Ohio! They do it all the time and you can try to fight it in court but to a judge or magistrate it's your word against theirs and who do you think their going to believe?

    :dunno: - Umm...in some jurisdictions "traffic cops" serve their purpose to their community, if that is one of the issues that the community is having i.e. someone speeding through their neighborhood or excessive speeding on their local roads they are there for your safety and for the safety of others. The purpose of writing traffic citations is to prevent traffic accidents whether its clear to the public or not - most use the citation revenue scapegoating to bitch about their f-up. Now I will also disclaim there are certain jurisdictions that do rely on traffic tickets for extra money because they do not have other sources of income for the municipality...if they didnt rely on ticket revenue they would not be able to function as a department and to respond to calls of service when people are truely in dire need of help - being robbed, burglarized, assaulted, etc etc. :popcorn:

  7. You're more than entitled to your opinion. And it's better to have these conversations in a forum, and not a courtroom or holding cell. I have seen - and agree with the sentiment - that bastardizing the laws for the po-po's benefit is bullshit. It happens, and it's happening more frequently in the current state of the economy. I just think it funny when some folks from a community plagued with prejudice against it would so vehemently go after cops, and ones who are members of both communities. But I guess when someone have gotten it for so long, they have a tendancy to lash out when the opportunity presents itself. Short of a Col. Nathan Jessup speach, I know that by and large the cops I know, and I know a few, are good guys, human just like the rest of us.

    Fair play to you sir.


  8. wheres ofcmac from mansfield and the other dude on here

    Well damn I am a day late on this discussion and there are over 100 posts?!? I missed all of the good stuff my bad guys haha. As i was readin i was thinkin damn how did i miss this thread and now im too late :dunno::broke:

  9. I wear a pair of work boots right now. The Sidi Vertigos come in in a couple of days, I'll report the differences in another thread work boots vs. riding boots.

    +1 - i would really like to hear what you have to say about the difference

  10. So i dont have the cash to drop on a great pair of riding boots, so i just wear my work boots, they are a typical pair of black Rocky boots. Now besides the obvious of the riding boots being more protective, with the work boots is it considered an in between protection - a step up from tennis shoes but not as good as purpose built riding boots? Or is it sufficient enough to ride with work boots all the time? i dont want to end up like the aforementioned picture :flingpoo: <-- no relevance just wanted to use this :)

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