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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. The bearded dragons ill be giving away... But I'm keeping their enclosures, and don't trust random people to provide proper care for them... Was going to donate them to captive born reptiles... If you're interested in one or both, hit me up in a pm.. But I'm kinda particular about who gets the other 2, simply because I won't be giving their tanks away My boa constrictor isn't for sale, I'm taking him to az with me
  2. Dump 20 crickets in there and he's good for a week... Almost 0 maintenance
  3. Took this guy in because he wasnt doing very well. He is now healthy as can be and doing great. Due to major life changes, I am thinning out my collection because I simply will not be able to provide for them all. (im only taking my pit and my boa to arizona with me....the lizards are all going to get new homes....however, this is the only one i will be actually selling) Unsure of his age, but I'm guessing a year or so. hes about 6" long total. believe he is a male. he has a pretty awful attitude (which is good for a reptile).....if you try to get him out of his enclosure he wails like a banshee and snaps his teeth...then runs away to hide....i am completely hands off with him, so im not sure if this will calm down with handling or not (these are usually a hands off species anyways) he is in a 16g tote, bio-active substrate, live plants.....IMO its the perfect setup for him, and i had no plans to ever change anything in it. holds humidity well enough that i dont have to mist it or add water. i change the water once a week in his "pond" and i add feeders....the waste cleans itself, the humidity is just fine, the plants have all the water they need from the soil....it needs nothing I'd like to get $100 for him plus his enclosure.
  4. lol i know its a long shot on here...but i remember a few people here saying they have lizards for pets....dubia are good for any reptile that eats bugs ....great alternative to crickets (these things dont smell, they dont make noise, and they dont escape their tub like crickets do.....they cannot climb smooth surfaces) best feeder you can get for reptiles they make good fishing bait too lol http://columbus.craigslist.org/for/3627183002.html
  5. great condition, bought it new in april...just dont need it anymore since the altima is no more. heres specs http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Kenwood---50W-x-4-MOSFET-Apple%26%23174%3B-iPod%26%23174%3B-Ready-CD-Deck/4769533.p?id=1218524494352&skuId=4769533 $100
  6. buy 8 and toss the other 5 on gunbroker ....bet you get at least 40 a piece...just start them at a penny with no reserve
  7. definitely need to have a get together before i go!! maybe we can do something at the shack and you can come down....i dont have any toys for wayne lol...ill most definitely be picking up a dirt bike though once im settled down there....endless places to ride it!
  8. that sounds like a blast! i wont be doing anything though for awhile haha....my main priority once im there is moving outta my moms place! ill be picking up nickles off the sidewalk if i have to lol
  9. thanks for the well wishes everybody!! i cant wait Phoenix definitely rocks...I used to spend a lot of time there as a kid, my aunts and my gma live out there...and my little cousins (college age) so ill have some people to party and chill with (gotta get them on bikes! lol) its beautiful there....and you will definitely always have a place to crash there (whenever i get my own place of course lol) me too! that was one of the best things about considering NC, I would be able to ride back here once or twice a year and party with you guys...i probably wont have the finances to hit the gap with you guys this year, but maybe next year!!....steph's mom and brother will still live here, and my other gma...so ill be in town hopefully once a year at least to visit...whenever i am, we will get together best post in this thread!
  10. yep. still wish i had seen this before i bought the vfr......damn
  11. The day is almost here to bail outta this place....Not heading to NC like I had planned though. I talked the gf into moving to Phoenix with me. My mom/stepdad will be moving the same day, making the combined moving effort a little easier. My mom will be keeping her job and working from home, and she's nice enough to let us crash at her place until we find jobs and get on our feet (hopefully a month or so and I can be out on my own again lol). I'm extremely nervous, but also excited at the same time. I'm a very responsible person, so the thought of picking up and moving with nothing is kind of frightening for me. My aunt lives there and says she can help us both find jobs, and shes even going to fly me and my gf out there for a job fair soon so we can get the ball rolling. I'm going to miss riding with you guys, especially you guys i ride with at marlboro mans shack...but I feel like its time for a new chapter in my life. I will still be on OR just as frequently, yall are like family. I cashed out all my vacation time for $ and put in my notice at both of my jobs. My last day of work will be April 26th, and we will be hitting the road on May 1st! Wish me luck....As excited as I am, I'm freaking out too lol....I feel good about it though, and can't wait!
  12. tore my rotator cuff and stuck it out....after a year it was doing mostly better, after 2 i have no problems with it at all....my doctor also advised surgery, but i declined i wrecked my bike in 07 and by 09 it was perfectly fine, and to this day no problems with it
  13. theft recovery vehicles are branded....i dont believe you are required to accept them back from the insurance company....pretty sure they treat them as total losses and give you the option to buy the vehicle back....most people dont want their vehicles back after theft recovery because who knows what was done to them while they were missing, and the value of them is cut in half instantly for having a branded title
  14. My rs1 and rf1100 both fit my head nice.. Just prefer the quality and comfort of the shoei
  15. So jealous... Can't wait to get back into a shoei instead of this bell
  16. His name is Patrik Furstenhoff... He's alive and well... And he's from Sweden.
  17. i went to the one in independence last year and the kevin bacon sandwich was great, and i had zero wait time.....guess i got lucky.....good food, good service, even got a free appetizer when they asked us if we drove far and i said cbus.
  18. I don't see why he wouldn't, but I don't know your budget either... I've seen him do additions that are bigger than most homes.. Building a new house wouldn't be any different Submit an online request for a quote and ask... Or just call
  19. dont have 13.5 hours to read this thread....but, i know of a contractor whose work in as good as it comes....he can draw up everything for you and build it all...its an all-in-one company http://www.collamorebuilt.com/ ive worked with him before and vouch for his quality....everything is done to perfection, no corners cut anywhere i personally helped with the demolition on this house and the new floors....this place was a 1970s party house in clintonville...upscale place but you could tell it was probably a swingers joint...maybe an after party spot.... they tore out the whole floor (walls, fireplace, floors, bathrooms, ...everything).... if i was ever serious about building a house here that i planned to never leave, he would be my first stop for sure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUgBpxvaGVw
  20. Wonder if he can make a tuckable holster for my hk.. Might have to give him a call
  21. thats pretty fucking awesome....i had no idea these did that. i really like the 4 door ones. OPs looks good too....wranglers have been growing on me slowly lol
  22. does just the glass fold, or the whole frame? i could see how the glass folds, but the frame looks pretty fixed
  23. what do you mean? i dont believe it folds, but what is the "show" part youre talking about? the straps are the hood latches....theyre functional...am i missing something? lol **edit oooh i see....the little bumpers in the middle of the hood.....hmm...now im interested too lol....it doesnt look like it folds (although it does appear to have a hinge..the edges look like theyre shaped into the body kinda), but im guessing it would, you know car companies are so cheap these days they dont add anything that isnt necessary....hell, i see cars now without fuel doors lol
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