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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. bump...just to show off an awesome pic....freshly shed, his tail colors are really showing....hes grown quite a bit now too, hes about 3ft long
  2. usually for hocking rides we meet at the mcdonalds on 33 in carrol and head through clear creek? im definitely thinking a nice hocking route we could meet at that mcdonalds at 9:45, kickstands up at 10? just need someone to lead/plan the route.....ive been through hocking a bunch, but i always jsut follow so i never learned the routes lol
  3. i heard 555 is shitty right now? hocking sounds better, and if we are gonna be back by 3, its probably a closer route only worries with hocking are the massive amount of leaves.....i hit those roads the other day in a cage and it wasnt horrible though....we had fun
  4. someone plan a nice route and start a new thread for thursday with meet times and route overview
  5. I really wish she would lol... Bank just booked it at 7200 so it's probably worth more totalled than not haha
  6. I dumped the bitch don't need this car anymore.
  7. fuck. i paid 3700 for my 04 with 23k on it....and its pretty much bone stock...why didnt he post this thing sooner? lol
  8. BUMP........still for sale.....im tired of driving this family car....someone give me $6k and get it outta my hair only updates are a broken door handle (still opens, but the handle is broken), and the car now has a lean against it (borrowed against it to buy the viffer)...so we would meet at my bank to do the swap looking for 6k cash or 4k plus an old 4x4 f-series....but im pretty picky about trucks
  9. Probably doesn't fulfill either role too well either
  10. yep. did this on my mustang with no issues at all. used vaseline on the tap, wiped it off every now and then....whatever falls in will just get spit out the exhaust anyways (aluminum head)
  11. we hit a lot of roads at the shack last weekend....but i remember 26 being fucking fantastic
  12. i wants busa so i can do hoodrat things with my friends
  13. not reading all 3 pages of this shit.....but honestly....this thread makes me want a busa lol
  14. Some people get so offended at that....my ex's mom used to get after me for not following her exact beliefs...then id poke some holes in them and she would crazy mode on me...i just avoided that subject with her all together....she pretty much thought i was going to hell because my church used a different version of the bible than hers does....i asked why she isnt reading the original then? i told her the shit wasnt written in english back in the day! .....she didnt like that
  15. and i dont have a problem with people being other religions, or being atheists, or praying to a bologna sandwich.... we all have the right to believe whatever we want to believe, and who am i to judge someone for it? i have no idea if my beliefs are the right ones, or if they are real or fake....just have to live my life how i feel is the right way, believe what i believe, and have faith it will work out in the end. my religious views are kind of open-ended....i think muslims, jews, and christians can all go to heaven if it exists....i dont really play into some strict set of "christian laws" or anything i think its ridiculous when people are so against other people for their beliefs. there are extremes on both sides (atheists included) there are obviously nutjobs of all religions, like the taliban and the westboro church etc......but even atheists can be extremists....atheists who make it a point to try and piss on people for having a religion and try to belittle them for it, are just as bad as any religious extremist religion isnt the problem in this world....the problem is fucked up people. its just in our nature. if we didnt have religion to fight over, we would find something else.
  16. i agree with this. being a Christian, i personally have stopped myself from doing quite a few things because of my faith. if i was an atheist, i would be a much bigger asshole than i am now, and honestly, i would probably be locked up....i used to live a pretty shitty life before I got back into church and got my shit together....granted i still have a lot of things i do wrong (swearing, occasional drinking, my temper, etc)....but I personally can say that religion has done way more good in my life than harm
  17. his own wish isnt really his wish....bitches get in your head like poison....you think youre making your own decision, but really you arent.
  18. looks pretty :superporter: but im sure it works great!
  19. dont do it. fuck getting married, return the ring and go buy another bike
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