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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. welcome to the safest county in the whole world!! you will love it there, have magley give you a tour
  2. they would get killed just as often....people would just use different tools to do it.
  3. i knew a guy with a 180lb cane corso....it wasnt "fat" either, just huge....its head was like a cinder block....maybe it was mixed with something
  4. cane corsos get huge...neat dogs though....wouldnt own one unless i had a huge house and yard though lol
  5. i wanna buy it and make passes down charter st
  6. they didnt need consent to search. he was being arrested, they could have impounded the car and done "inventory", which they have to do when impounding, giving them access to the car and there was a cone out at the beginning of the video, blocking off the car and officer, they only added more when dude was laying in the road
  7. so...assaulting an officer with a deadly weapon (the vehicle)....thats a felony, and he used the ferrari in the commission of a felony.....technically, the state could have impounded and permanently seized the car and he would be driving to work in his backup ford pinto....id say he got off easy
  8. wtf does this have to do with chl holders and the second amendment???
  9. maybe its just me....but i get tired of people whining and complaining about cars cutting them off....as wrong as it is, that is just part of riding a bike....it will always happen, and theres nothing anyone can do about it except to be extra vigilant and watch for people who arent watching for you
  10. the girl didnt back out...got him home...score lol...$100 reptile, i drove an hour to get him but got him for free and she actually gave me $40 to take him to help get him setup....and hes not as sick as she thought he was, she just had him in bad conditions and he was stressed and not eating....i got him in a proper setup and he is eating like crazy, even though i cant find him....i guess ill know hes ok if the food keeps disappearing lol... the viv i setup for him is neat because its a small eco system...live plant, wood and bark from the woods outside with all the little bugs and bacteria, earthworms i added, dead leaf litter....its a real self cleaning eco system....all i have to do is change the water every day or every other day, and toss in some worms, roaches, and crickets...and it cost me about $30 to get it setup, so after the money she gave me, i still didnt spend anything except $20 in gas hes a lot smaller than i expected....the girl who had him was probably 13-14...she had little hands, so in the pics he looked bigger...hes still a juvenile
  11. this one cant...some species can though....supposedly the new one i just got can make vocal noises....but one thats famous for it is tokay geckos....one guy i know has one and it has pvc pipes in its tank to climb on...one night it was barking into the pipe and it was amplifying it enough that it woke him up from across the house lol
  12. he went from only moving once or twice a day to using his whole tank, running back and forth 10+ times throughout the day the other day he was feeling a little tougher than usually and decided to pick a fight with his reflection.....he chased it for about an hour http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i82/SaleenSS90/?action=view&current=VID_20120726_111521.mp4 and i found him perched on his vent like spiderman....he got up there quickly for a 3 legged critter, im not sure what his plan to get down was though so i took him down (also flipped the vent around so he cant cut his toes climbing on it)
  13. yep, the cut healed up and the flap shed off....the yellowing is still present but after his next shed im going to try and be more proactive with the disinfectant scrub...its spread right now which means he is probably due to shed within the next month ive made a lot of changes to his tank, and they are helping a lot....i switched to basic monitor care instead of bearded dragon care.....i think because theyre so hardy and they live pretty much in any conditions, it has lead to sub-par keeping being "acceptable"......all these care sheets and bearded dragon forums and stuff all tell you how to keep them alive, but not how to let them thrive.....ive switched his setup to that of an ackies monitor, and he is a completely different reptile...only difference is i only used 4-6 inches of substrate instead of 16-24 (but they dont burrow like ackies)...building a retes stack next week for his tank to give him some more temperature options too
  14. i cant do any neat display pieces with mine...they freak out my gf, so she likes them all being in their own room lol
  15. you can buy a civilian model of the 417 already (HK MR762...semi-auto...pretty much identical) and you can buy a civilian version of the G36 (called the HK SL8) and do a G36 conversion on it to make it more closely resemble a G36 i believe both rifles are right around 2k, and to do the conversion on the SL8 you will probably spend about 1200-2000 depending which parts you use
  16. lol goodluck with the sale...i have too many already....it was hard enough getting my girl to give in and let me have one snake, let alone two....the last one i got i only got because i had to agree to let her stupid cat come live inside....my next will be a ghost boa, but probably not until i move into a house....i already have a small bedroom that is quickly filling up with reptiles also...if you find a way to keep him, you should consider changing your setup.....if you have a heating pad, it should supply enough heat for him....the light combined with screen lid dries out the enclosure (which is why you would get a bad shed)......i would ditch that whole hood and light and get a solid plexiglass or wood top and seal it up.....glass tanks arent really that great for the health of snakes (or any reptile for that matter....besides a few species of geckos)
  17. sorry....i dont really like ball pythons that much, and i already have enough pets for the available space i have....my fiance is terrified of snakes, so i dont wanna try to slip another one in since i just bought a boa either...good luck though

  18. HK G36C HK417 since both of those are full auto and ill never get to own one, ill take the civilian version of the 417 ....some day ill have one HK MR762
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