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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. nobody gives a shit what was going on in his brain. he murdered, without a doubt, 12 innocent people in a premeditated attack. zimmerman murdered one person, in what MIGHT be a self defense situation. if it comes out that it was not self defense, then he should face the same penalty. not enough is known about this case to make a clear verdict. the holmes case has no questions to be answered about his actions....there is proof he did what he did, no matter what he believes in his mind (even if its self defense), the murders are not justifiable. theres a huge difference in real self defense, and self defense made up by a paranoid skitzo. assuming he even has a mental problem.
  2. apparently that was the case with one of his other houses that his ex-wife sold to 50 cent....50 cent sued the realtor company because it was such a piece of shit and took so much money to fix up heres how it looks after its been fixed up though http://www.zillow.com/blog/2009-08-12/50-cents-home-on-market-for-109-million/ wonder what tysons current place looks like.....that one 50 cent fixed up is badass....i cant even imagine living like that....estimated mortgage $35,674 per month
  3. killing someone because of mental incompetence is not the same as killing someone in self defense. self defense is a justifying shooting. just because some asshole loses his mind, doesnt mean he should be allowed to go and kill whoever he wants with immunity.
  4. ah ok....it didnt look too bad in the pic, but i guess the mold would naturally come with all that water in there.....any idea why it went to shit and nobody ever bought it and lived in it? seems like a nice place
  5. Freshly molten adult male blaptica dubia roach... I wouldn't call it a pet in the sense that I would name it or anything... But I do feed and take care of them lol... Well, until my lizards eat them atleast This picture is awesome because you don't see them like this often... I'm pretty excited I got to Once they molt into adults they have wings for the first time... Before that they all look the same and no wings They're pure white after a molt, and turn black in a few hours, so seeing them white is rare without recording them 24/7.... First adult male I've seen in white phase
  6. probably only stinks because of the pool....i bet its salvageable
  7. because that would be dangerous and wrong. we're not murderers.
  8. DirtDee675 - congrats on the successful troll...you will fit in well around here lol
  9. why so cheap....ammo prices down? havent bought any in a few months, but last time i got walmart ammo it was $34 for 100rds of .40, and the .45 was i think $37 or something
  10. only time i bought ammo online was when i wasnt 21 yet and wanted pistol ammo....lol oh, and my ccw rounds (got some double tap barnes tac xp rounds)
  11. politician or not, i would be concerned if i DIDNT shit my pants after drinking laxatives!
  12. these are just used to practice murdering people. plastic cuts to the throat are serious bidnizz
  13. Steve Butters

    Mj usa

    i wouldnt call his work good.....its good in the same way you take your car in because the check engine light is on, then get it back a day later with the bulb removed....yea, the check engine light is "fixed". as for the parts....after hearing from an employee about the incident with the helmet switcheroos, i wouldnt trust any parts from there either....probably all ebay junk stuck in name brand boxes after the name brand parts were pulled out and installed on personal bikes
  14. now hes playing the skitzo card and doing his very best to put on his "crazy face" in the courtroom....what a piece of shit....bet he gets a free ride in a mental hospital instead of pound me in the ass prison followed by execution like he deserves
  15. damn.....i need something tuckable, right now my gun is too large to carry at work because it prints too bad in my pocket....the mtac just didnt do it for me....guess ill have to look into a crossbreed some time when im not strapped for $ lol...wish i could find something minimal like this for my hk
  16. ill take one for my HK lol damn glock people but no seriously...... UP, is there any plans to do "custom" ones like the other holsters? or should i stop holding out for this and try to find something else?
  17. 75k is just a low amount that she figured kroger would simply settle with her on without having to go to court, since she knows the case is BS and any sane judge would tell her to eat shit and die
  18. really? i just thought you left a lot of skidmarks.
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