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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. some of the timberland pro boots use goodyear rubber soles....might be worth looking into....if cars can get 90k miles out of the stuff, im sure boots would last awhile lol
  2. http://shop.timberland.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4208280
  3. now that exarch is back and filling the troll patrol role, maybe magz can come down from being full retard back to his normal level
  4. too bad nobody shot his dumb ass
  5. ah.. mine updated to c771M100 while i was asleep.....and it was rooted, not sure why it even updated, i coulda swore it was off....bastard phone
  6. todd got shot because he goes to bad places and his elbows are midget-sized and therefore unable to be thrown with sufficient force to stop threats. silly todd.
  7. oh ok then. this makes perfect sense. a world-wide rejection on the purpose, which you have stated is "to kill people".....so basically, if everyone in the world just decided "hey, lets not kill people anymore....magley says itll be better"....youre such a smart person. you really should be up for a nobel peace prize for your amazing humanitarian work
  8. oh ok....so a world-wide gun ban. wow. ok magz.
  9. you mean just like england right? they are so much better off without them. you must have missed this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKdBxpKqUvs
  10. "defeatist attitude"? realistic attitude. you really do live in looney toon land. guns will never be as hard to acquire as tanks and nukes. thats the dumbest thing ive ever read. they are produced by the millions, world-wide, they are compact and easy to conceal and transport, and the price is relatively cheap, even for "illegal" guns how many tanks can you put in a duffle bag and smuggle across the border?
  11. http://www.reuters.com/article/2007/08/28/us-world-firearms-idUSL2834893820070828 do you honestly think a gun ban would get every last one of these guns turned in? are you stoned?
  12. banning guns doesnt make them "difficult to get your hands on", it just makes it illegal to do so do you know how fucking huge the illegal arms market is???
  13. this makes no sense. there are still gun crimes in places where guns are outlawed. if criminals want guns, they WILL get them. you cant go into a store and buy crack, but you sure can find it on every street corner. that shit was imported from somewhere, or at least the coke was. banning something from law abiding citizens doesnt keep it away from criminals....idk why you dont understand that criminals will have guns, no matter what. so why should law abiding citizens not be allowed to protect themselves with equal force? this isnt a case of some punk kid who lost his temper and opened fire. this asshole was planning this attack for over 4 months...he had plenty of time to acquire illegal guns if there was a gun ban. he also had an apartment full of home made explosives he could have used against the crowd if he was unable to find guns. either you really are just a fucking moron, or you are the best troll ive ever come across. ever.
  14. ^ this looks like an awesome trip
  15. lol aruba is the plan for ours....but its a gift from my gma (her time share at some fancy hotel)...so im not sure what the actual cost would be to flat out go but even a bahama cruise, or hawaii trip.....i think you will enjoy it more florida isnt that far away, its somewhere you can drive for a long weekend if you do go though - avoid atlantic side...its a blast, but its not really "honeymoon" feeling
  16. rooted commando? how did you manage that? mine updated and cant be rooted anymore....havent heard of anyone finding a way around that yet... what does your "build number" say in about phone menu? also - tap faster, itll show up...works on my commando
  17. this is my thought as well. the only place i dont carry are places with a metal detector, and my job (i would if i had something small enough it didnt print) funny thing is, the employee book says we may not bring weapons onto company property unless in compliance with local laws or something of that jazz....so i asked if i can carry at work, since i would be in compliance with the laws, and they told me no
  18. florida is a quick drive all year long....take the honeymoon somewhere more exotic...bahamas, aruba, hawaii, north korea...maybe a nice cruise
  19. seems they just added the signs after that kid shot and killed his brother last year....go figure
  20. i dont remember signs at easton mall? i could be wrong, but i thought i checked last time i was there
  21. im so lost.....wtf does snopes have to do with someone named edan or kendal anne or whatever the fuck it was
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