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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. when i went with my girl, we got seated right away....no wait
  2. the main ingredient of this thing is bacon and bacon flavored cream cheese/mayo
  3. it should at least be considered disturbing the peace.....its no different than standing outside an elementary school yelling curse words or toting around picket signs with porno pictures on them....your freedom of speech shouldnt hinder someone elses freedoms i dont think we need "more laws" but i think stuff like this should already be against the law....theres just certain things you cannot say in certain places out of decency, and this should be one of those times
  4. someone came into advance while i was working with some kind of bird sitting on their shoulder like a pirate lol...it was quite enteraining
  5. the only bird i was semi-ok with was a parrot at the pet store....it was huge...i used to have to stand next to it every day while buying crickets...i learned to not hate it, and it was kind of neat....but i could never own one lol
  6. im not big on spiders, but birds FREAK ME OUT.....you have no idea lol....i have an immense dislike for birds, and i have no idea why.....just seeing them outside my window drives me crazy ... the thought of having one inside my house is awful....my lizards love to cuddle too...but only because my ambient room temps are significantly lower than their enclosure temps, so they like to burrow into clothing to find body heat...they dont actually have "affection" or emotions lol yea...thats the previous owner holding it...i havent picked it up yet
  7. good point...ill throw elbows at them, theyre more effective than guns anyways, therefore i will surely win.
  8. rescuing a sick red eyed crocodile skink on saturday....the girl is giving his whole setup, and him, plus $60 to cover gas and a heating pad for the tank....she just doesnt have the experience needed to nurse him back to health, so she wants me to take him from her.....itll be so awesome to get him back to health, if i can...going to try....it wont get much bigger, maybe 8" total size....and im seeing if she wants my gecko in trade...i dont really like my gecko, so if she wants him, itll be two birds with one stone (the gecko is easy to care for....and this skink is only sick because fedex messed up shipping him and he was in a box with no heat, food, or water for several days) heres pics
  9. i think a better law would be to allow people at military funerals to beat the shit out of people who protest them.....bet that would make them think twice
  10. this is dead on accurate. i would rep you if i could.
  11. it doesnt matter at all was going on inside his head. he murdered 12 people. he deserves to be in prison or on death row. plain and simple. theres no argument you can make for his mental state or for self defense that will ever make what he did acceptable. the fact that he had been planning this attack and gathering supplies for months, along with setting traps at his apartment that took experts hours to disarm means he wasnt planning on going back home, then went to a movie theatre full of people, attacked them all unprovoked, and then waited for police to arrest him....all lead to premeditation to commit the crimes he committed. how can you honestly sit there and argue that he is not to blame because of his mental state, and that he probably did it in self defense because those awful movie goers were trying to kill him......does that make any sense at all to you? i keep trying to be done with this thread, because i know youre just fucking with everybody, but i still cant wrap my head around how fucking stupid you are. it baffles me.
  12. my words were all supported, as were everybody else. nothing you say makes any sense at all....i feel like im trying to discuss physics with a rock...it just aint gonna happen, Holmie
  13. magz has gone full retard. im done. im glad exarch is back, he doesnt seem so bad now.
  14. tail section and smaller headlight/gauge cluster is all the bodywork that thing needs ....itll make a cool streetfighter
  15. and this pertain to this case how.....? also - in that case, you were not "preparing" for anything....buying insurance was a premeditated measure to crashing your own car....you didnt simply buy the insurance "just in case", you bought it will full intent to smash your car and commit fraud (premeditation to commit insurance fraud)
  16. maybe the dumbest paragraph youve ever typed......maybe. what "evidence" do you need that nobody in that theatre was trying to kill him (especially before he even went there to know who was there) premeditation and self defense dont go hand in hand. its not like this guy got attacked by a mob of people for no reason and then pulled out his gun. he drove to a theater packed full of strangers with intent to do harm to them. the "evidence" is the fact that he carried long guns into a crowded theater, and then attacked people with them. not to mention the tear gas, and the explosives rigged to his apartment door. none of that says self defense. sorry bud, youre really grasping at straws. there was no self defense scenario going on here, real or perceived. i think youre the only person alive stupid enough to actually think he was just defending himself from those awful movie goers
  17. as much as i dislike spiders - its nice to see someone else have inverts living with them lol
  18. after the last couple posts in here.....i now know exactly how you feel
  19. you dont need first hand experience to know that its not OKAY for someone to go on a murdering spree just because they are sick in the head....if you honestly think its perfectly acceptable for someone to commit mass murder just because they have a mental problem, then you really are an idiot.....youre pretty much saying its no problem what he did, guess we should just give him a few more guns and release him from jail...i mean, hes sick and everything, he shouldnt be held accountable for his actions also - i like how you compare me to a paranoid skitzo and call me "heavily armed"....i own one firearm....yea...im heavily armed real self defense is just that, real. if the actions taken directly saved the life of the person taking them, then it was a real self defesne scenario. i did not say that is zimmermans case, hence why i said MAYBE and that there isnt enough evidence being presented yet. perceived is not real. no matter how much you think this guy thought he was defending himself, if he had not opened fire on the movie theater, he would not have been harmed. that is a stone cold fact. nobody there did anything to attack him. are you seriously not understanding the difference between these two cases, or are you just grasping at straws to try and save face? its almost unreal to imagine that someone like you actually exists....i mean....its mind blowing that anybody would stand up for this piece of shit and say its no big deal because he is fucked in the head. go tell that to the families who lost their children and spouses and parents in that movie theater......knowing your dumb ass, you probably would....so make sure to take a video camera so we can all witness the ass beating that ensues.
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