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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. oh yea....just avoid the west side of 270...what a shitty road...the rest isnt too bad though (condition wise)
  2. i like 270 in the dead of morning between 2-4am minimal cops, and no traffic.....when i had the mustang, i was well into triple digits on 270, almost every morning on my way to work...just a fun time to fuck around and not have to worry about traffic or some jackass merging over in front of you without looking ....also had some fun races on 270 lol i never minded highway riding, i always found a way to entertain myself....just did 80-85 passing cars until i found one that might wanna race
  3. Initial visit and bloodwork and ultrasound estimate is over $200...not including any treatment... Initial thoughts from vet are liver disease, based on discoloration and yellow mucus glands... Praying the bloodwork or ultrasound provides some answers...
  4. thats what im looking into....some say 30-50, other say 20-30, some say 30-40....i cant find a clear answer, so im doing some research on it...all im coming up with is 20-50 and thats a big gap, so im going to check into it....i may replace the vents in my enclosures with ones i can close, to up the humidity a little bit...might add a water dish also to try and increase humidity if the vents dont up it enough....once i find a definitive answer that is ive seen an opinion by someone considered an expert in the field that says between 20 and 30 is perfect....but ive come across 30s and 40s a LOT also
  5. the reason im not thinking its an infection is because hes had this yellowing since last october, so im not sure whats going on...i just now noticed the open wound though, which is why im so concerned now about it...but like i said, im hoping that is just something that happened from me being too rough with his stuck shed without using warm water but theres definitely something going on that appears to be fungal ....ill find out once its cultured and i get results.... hopefully its something curable yea ive heard of some special morphs...my older one is some kind of morph, but withotu knowing her parents its too hard to tell...she looks like a sandfire x citrus mix, but im not sure. for the feeding, i bought feeders and they breed themselves in a small tote box, so i dont have to worry about buying more ....i dont use crickets, they smell bad and make too much noise
  6. thanks....i know its not stress or lighting or husbandry....their husbandry is spot on....checked humidity, its about 25% which might be a hair low, but overall its not bad... i need to start misting them daily (them, not their tanks) i supplement the right doses of calcium and everything also....hopefully ill get to see what the vet says without going completely broke....i first suspected yellow fungus, since thats what it looks like...but after talking to someone else who had a similar situation, theirs ended up dying of heart and kidney failure.....YF usually kills pretty quick, so for him to still look and act so good after so long makes me question it...but it looks exactly like it....so ill have the vet culture the yellowing and see if its fungal, if it isnt then ill need to probably proceed with some kind of bloodwork or something to determine if its a circulation problem....its hard to tell for sure, so im just trying not to think about it too much until the vet can diagnose it i put some neosporin cream on his leg where its cut, hopefully that will help him in that area and yea hes missing a leg...its not really cannibalism, but theyre very territorial and will fight if housed together...he lost it at the pet store before i bought him, got bit off in a fight with another i spent about $100 getting my feeders setup, now they breed themselves and it doesnt cost me more than 20-30 a year to buy them food and water crystals and yea, the spikes arent sharp...from the two i have, ive only been poked hard enough to flinch one time, and i just got a bad angle on it or something
  7. Thanks for the support, ill update the thread after I get stuff worked out with the vet and know what I'm facing to know if I need to clean out some spare things to free up some extra money ... The symptoms match a skin disorder but could match a heart / kidney problem, which I'm not sure is curable
  8. Lilbit, thanks for the tip, I actually already made a thread there and one other place. And making a Mac joke is a little different than wishing death on somebody's pet... However, I understand where you're coming from and I apologize... Truce?
  9. yea i mist him every few days...i put a digital hygrometer in his tank to see how his humidity looks throughout the day...im reading it should be around 30-40%, so ill see how it looks and make adjustments if necessary his uvb is a reptisun 10.0 t8 tube, and its about 6-8" from his basking spot....im very versed on husbandry, and all of it is spot on, except maybe the humidity....so thats where ill be looking....other than that, i guess i will need to soak them more often, but i wouldnt think this would be necessary if humidity was right ill let you know
  10. thanks i will look into this....im going to contact the vet i think i have multiple problems going on with them right now....im thinking low humidity may be a big factor in the health decline of both of my dragons....ever since ive moved, they havent been the same...my last house was much more humid than this one....im going to try adding a water dish to their enclosure to up the humidity...i think this will help with a lot of his skin problems....im going to see the vet still to be sure....the only thing going in my favor so far is that the disease that this APPEARS to be, usually kills them fairly quickly, and mine has had the discoloration since last october and it has not accelerated the open wound is what has me scared about it now...but im thinking it could possibly be a crack in his skin from being so dried out, which would explain why he hasnt been shedding or pooping right lately, and why his skin looks ready to shed but is just kind of baked onto him i have a few changes to make, and i need to get him to a vet to get a culture done on the yellowing to find out exactly what it is im hoping by upping the humidity, it will help resolve most of my issues....only time will tell.... heres what im facing right now with it thats the discoloration...its all over his body in random splotches but as you can see in this pic, his skin is very dried out and its ready to shed, but it looks kind of cooked onto him and heres where its open so i think instead of one problem like i originally thought, i think im facing two separate issues ...1 being humidity, and the other being the yellow discoloration
  11. UPDATE looks like the Lord is looking out for me, and a member on here saw this thread and was gracious enough to offer to help me out for a few weeks until I get paid.....OR really is a great place, you guys are all like family and I'm lucky to be a part of this site. this stuff will be on hold until i hear from the vet monday and know what kind of bills i will be up against....i dont wanna sell this stuff, even though it isnt expensive stuff, its stuff i wanted to hold onto ill bump this thread if i end up needing to put it back up for sale in the future.....praying that the vet visit goes well monday....my little guy is my best friend and ill do whatever it takes to try and save him
  12. thanks...its a problem i suspected before but took him to a vet, and had him checked...the vet said it was nothing to worry about hes been ok for months..usually sheds the yellow spots away and all is fine, but today i noticed one had actually cracked open and his raw flesh was exposed....i dont get paid for 2 weeks so im just trying to scrape some money together to get him to a different vet... its hard to find a qualified reptile vet.....theres one off sawmill rd im going to try next week if i can come up with the money....going to call and see if they can bill me instead of paying up front too....hopefully they will work with me it really sucks because its my favorite pet....this one is like my best friend....if i have to end up putting him down, it will be one of the hardest decisions ive ever had to make...i wish it had been one of the other ones instead...not that i would wish this disease on any of my pets, i just wish it wasnt this one
  13. my bills are pretty tight right now, and i have a feeling im about to spend several hundred on one of my pets...he has, what i believe to be, a necrotic skin disease.....if untreated, he will die so im going to be selling some things...starting with just two items, but will be adding more as the weeks go by if i find myself struggling....this stuff will be priced to move, because i am hoping to get him to a vet on monday first item is a kobalt air compressor.. 26 gallon, 1.5hp its practically new...my old house had bad wiring and it would pop the fuse using it...so i used it for less than 2 hours total....i think we paid like 200 for it...ill take $100 next item is a great stereo for a garage or workout room etc...its an older sony MHC-GX45....nice stereo works great, 3 cd changer...inputs for running a game system or something etc....these were 200-300 new, ill take $60 depending how the inital vet checkup goes, i may also be posting a brand new (ridden for 5 minutes) mountain bike, and possibly an xbox 360.....hoping it doesnt come to that though
  14. usually i like faired bikes more than naked, but in this case, the R is much better looking.....the S looks bulky and ugly..and its very plain looking...the fairing on it actually remind me of a scooter instead of a sport bike
  15. had to do a double take....from the title, i woulda swore Casper started this thread
  16. heres the FL stuff....he will get it back....i was thinking of bail bond companies, if you use one in FL they take 15% and its not given back....says he will even get interest on the 100k http://www.dandtlaw.com/bond-hearings
  17. that wasnt my understanding. i was under the impression that the 10% was non-refundable. guess thats only if its run through a bail bonds company?
  18. i brush koolaid on the grates before i cook. my koolaid is sweet.
  19. i should, but havent had time to get to my moms and get pics...its at her apartment not mine....guess i will if i dont have luck soon lol
  20. 100k to get out of jail? fuuuuck. i would just stay locked up and save my money....he wont make that 100k on the outside, so theyre basically paying him 100k to stay in jail for a few months...sign me up!
  21. bump - both still available, mower fell through...open to offers on both, im sure she wants them gone by now
  22. she just cant handle my koolaid.
  23. yea, don't pour koolaid on your electronic devices. and i surely hope you did NOT let your kid drink the koolaid after it filtered through the macbook....who knows what kind of dust and debris it came in contact with inside of the macbook case...letting your kid drink that afterwards would surely be a violation that the health department would have to investigate, and potentially CPS too ...goodluck fixing you gaybook
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