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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. this one is similar to what you had, but its a different species....the columbians are Boa constrictor imperator (BCI) and this ones a Boa constrictor constrictor (BCC).....the only real difference is this ones tail will get deep red and stay like that, and it may not wash out so brown through the rest of its body....care is basically the same, just need a little higher humidity for mine.....i couldnt sell my pets to pay for a bike, but to each their own, some people view pets differently ups wont ship live reptiles....there was an incident where a crocodile got out of a box and ended up biting an employee and ups got sued over it, so they changed their policy (3 foot croc, nothing crazy) it was shipped FedEx next day air....he was packaged up at 7PM (4PM in CA) and I unboxed him at 9:30AM...not too bad, spent 14.5 hours in the box....he was in a snake bag filled with newspaper shreddings, inside a foam box filled with packing peanuts and an ice pack to keep him cool, and then that box was inside a cardboard box
  2. the adult enclosure will have a lock and be very snake proof....the lock will be child proof so whenever i have kids they wont be able to open it while im not home and forget to close it....if it got out as an adult, i would have to worry more about my gfs cat and the little yappy weiner dog she wants to buy....they would both be a fat meal for this guy when hes full grown lol....that was one of the requirements she had is that the cage his a solid locking system by the time we have a kid that wont be any time soon!! i dont want kids yet, not for a long time....but these guys live ~30 years
  3. snakes are great....no hair that gets on everything, they never smell bad, dont tear anything up, and theyre hypo-allergenic! lol
  4. im glad hes smaller than i expected....these guys are known for cage aggression (get defensive when you put your hand in their tank, but calm down once you actually get them out).....gives me time to save up for some puncture proof arm gloves before hes big enough to start doing damage with his teeth lol....dont have to wear gloves while handling him, just when taking him out of the enclosure heres the skull of an adult
  5. since he is a BCC instead of BCI he will grow slower than most pet store redtail and common boas.....young ones grow about 2 inches per month, but they dont widen out too much for awhile....itll be 4-5 years before hes in the 6-7ft range most likely and i just got him today, and havent called the breeder to ask what they have been feeding him, so im not sure what size hes eating right now....since the move is stressful for them, ill wait a week and then probably feed him a pinky mouse, then another week and feed another pinky and then probably a third week and feed another pinky....then ill step up to feeding him a hopper mouse every 7-10 days until hes big enough for something larger i believe he might be wild caught, so i have to see if the breeding facility who had him was able to change him over to frozen/thawed mice, or if he is only eating live....if he is only taking live, ill have to slowly wean him over to frozen/thawed.....much more convenient, safer for the snake, and more available
  6. got him today from LLLreptiles, and i couldnt be happier....they shipped him all the way from CA for me....this isnt the typical red tail they sell in pet stores, this is a true red tail, and kinda hard to find, especially locally...so i had to order him in lol he is smaller than i expected, which is great for me since i wanted a little one he is super active and curious, trying to get his face in everything right off the bat he has been super sweet, no nipping or striking or anything...he has gotten a defensive pose a few times if i moved wrong, but i backed off a little and he relaxed he is amazing, i wish i had a better camera to capture his colors....my cell phone camera really washes out the reds in his tail, but in the sunlight, its stunning!! anyways, on to the pics of Achilles fresh from the box! ignore my ugly mug lol.....had him shipped to my moms office since i wasnt sure what time he would arrive and i have to work in a few, she was gonna sign for him, but i made it on time and his temporary enclosure...ill fix it up some more, and get better hides and bowl etc....this is just whatever i could find laying around my apartment at the time ....eventually be going in a 6x2x2...he will get 7-9ft long, and 50+ lbs
  7. todd - i just bumped your rep over to the 4th star. i think that means you owe me a ball-wash
  8. ttt $150, final price drop...just need it to go
  9. guns? for what? i just throw elbows at some home invaders.
  10. when you "trade" you still have to assign a value....so, i would say the legit way would be to put blue book value, plus or minus whatever you feel (mods, damage, whatever) even if you trade for a service, say you give me your car in trade for me putting a new roof on your house, i would have to value the car and pay tax on it...if i told them idk a value since it was a trade, they would charge book
  11. yea mine was a few years ago. never heard anything else after i paid it
  12. hell i dont know how they figure it out then....the guy i bought my car from said he was never contacted, and they somehow knew exactly how much i withdrew that day for the car, which wasnt even the purchase price....i assumed the only way they could figure that out was bank records...maybe the guy you bought it from made a big deposit same day? no matter how they did it, they found out...my letter was the same as yours lol
  13. lift it up and carry it. with your weiner. like a real man.
  14. ^ that paragraph makes me never want to have a kid
  15. theres also a stunting section http://www.ohioriders.net/forumdisplay.php?f=81
  16. almost - but my vote goes to KTM 990 Super Duke
  17. not sure, but how else would they have known the exact amount i withdrew (which wasnt actually the amount i paid for the vehicle)
  18. dont think it would fly in my apartment....the little part about having "similar physical characteristics" would get me....that pretty much means they can reject any dog they want if they think it looks mean, and they require pictures of all pets to be on file (i have reptiles...i didnt mention them to my leasing office - but im not sure if reptiles count since they live in tanks lol)
  19. ive been busted for this once, so i can talk from personal experience 1. if its a suspicious amount, like putting $100 on a 2011 s1000rr, they will investigate it. they will check your bank records on the sale date to find any large deposits/withdraws etc. if they can determine that it was sold at a different price, the buyer will then be liable for the tax. 2. if its suspicious, but not enough to warrant investigating, like say $1000 on a $5000 bike, they will send out a letter to both buyer and seller asking what the sale price was. if the totals are different, they will want tax on the highest price...if seller says 1000 and you said 500 and paid tax on 500, you will owe tax on the other 500 the seller admitted to. 3. YOU have nothing to worry about....it is all up to the buyer as to how much risk he is willing to take. people who claim you will be fined etc probably havent been in this situation. if the state determines that the sale price on the title was wrong, they will go after the buyer for the tax money. it will be tax money they feel is owed, not a fine. if they find evidence of a sale that day, as they did in my case, they will bill you for that much....if no sale, they will blue book it and detemine a book value and tax you on it.....both situations will give you a chance to dispute and prove you paid a lesser amount, but goodluck finding proof for something you didnt do 4. i wouldnt discuss this on an open forum.....it is illegal as for my situation, i bought a car for 8000 from a grove city police officer....asked him to cut me a break on tax price and he said no worries since his best friend was the notary. he assured me if he put "Gift" on the title, nothing would happen. he said the bmv would contact the notary to confirm and since his friend was the notary it would be fine. i paid $500 on that sunday and picked it up, then paid him $7500 on wednesday when i picked up the title (got the car before paying for it fully since i had to sell my other to buy it and he was nice enough to let me drive it a few days before buying) few months later, i get a notice in the mail that the bmv investigated and determined that i spent 7500 on the car and that i owed $500 or whatever it came out to in backed taxes....no fees, no fines, etc....said i had one month to pay before "further action" was taken the only way they could have gotten that 7500 number is by looking at my bank transaction on the date of the sale.....my grandma loaned me the $500 deposit in cash, so it wasnt on paper anywhere...only the $7500 deposit from carmax where i sold my truck, and the $7500 withdrawl that i used to pay the seller in the end, i ended up paying what i owed, nothing more...and the police officer who sold it to me was never even contacted about the situation got busted, paid what i owed....learned a lesson i will still do it for other people when i sell, and when i buy ill ask too....but with more reasonable amounts (few thousand off, etc...nothing under $100 or anything crazy)
  20. My lease says, "Rottweilers, Chows, Pitt Bulls, and Doberman breeds of dogs are strictly prohibited. This applies to pure bred and mixed breed dogs that have similar physical and behavioral characteristics or lineage." guess i was wrong about the ban on all "bully breeds", but i knew there was something in there about pits
  21. wish my apartment didnt have a ban on "bully breeds"
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