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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i work with mainly black people...its probably 4:1 give or take...some of my best friends are working class black guys.....some of the coolest most down to earth people you will meet...never trust them around your women though lol
  2. sounds good...ill txt you tomorrow and let you know whats going on ended up with a "drawer safe" and ran some hefty self tapping screws through it into my trunk....the bottom of the screws isnt accessible either, so if anyone wants my stuff out of there they either need a torch to cut the floor out around the box, or they need to just take the whole car lol
  3. he set an OR record...700 posts, and not a single one that makes any sense without being read 30-40 times
  4. i might be there tomorrow....if so, ill let you know...might not be though lol...ill see what my schedule looks like...i think im off work at 5, in which case idk if ill stick around reynoldsburg that long...but maybe
  5. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=GunVault-Nano-Vault-100-with-Keyed-Lock&i=430504&str=nano&merchID=4005 one of these...used, scuffed up, etc...still work i only have one key for it, i lost the other one somewhere if anyone wants it they can have it...free, but pick up obviously...can get it from my apt in pataskala, my job in reynoldsburg, or at wings and rings if i ever show up just let me know....ended up buying something more sturdy and bolting it down inside my trunk lol, no more cable tied box
  6. mila kunis doesnt really do it for me....i mean, i wouldnt tell her no obviously (who would?) but she wouldnt be my first pick....all the roles i see her play annoy the shit out of me, so i guess i picture her actual demeanor to be about the same
  7. damn i thought i was bad.... 700 posts in a month...thats insane lol
  8. just posting to express my blatant racism towards Somalians ....somebody please put them back on the boat and return them so they can continue ruining their own country instead of this one
  9. my primary carry is my hk still....im looking for something i can put in my back pocket in a wallet holster...if anyone noticed it at all, it would be a very bad situation for me....i have no use for an M&P, i still have my p2ksk
  10. i have large hands - everywhere i read says that is a huge problem....rather not spend $300+ just to find out....if every thread i read about them someone claims its "painful" to shoot, then not everybody can be wrong! lol plus, the bodyguard seems like an overall sturdier gun
  11. i prefer to shoot a gun that wont cause my fingers to bleed by the third magazine
  12. i support brandon and think its great hes giving it a shot.....doesnt mean i have to support his dick cheese too ....if i was brandon, i would be embarassed to have you running around talking so much shit on my behalf.
  13. ped is the cheese on prez's nuts...no swinging, straight funk
  14. i think this guy is voting for obama
  15. sold...lock it up! now to decide what to replace it with....ak, ar, shorter shotty, or a pocket gun to carry at work lol
  16. is it really "hand held" though since its technically mounted to your vehicle and youre just using a part of it? i would think thats how cb radios get away with it
  17. exarch is trying way too hard to get some OR pussy......he might have better luck searching out some OR butt-pussy, i hear jagr is open for business
  18. nope...havnet looked too hard past the carlsons....i really only use this thing for deer hunting...i was having car problems but now i got them worked out so i dont really "need" to sell it...thread can probably be closed, its way OT anyways lol
  19. that is very nice! and i try not to have them either...if i wont be shooting it, i wont buy it lol as for the sale/trade, who knows when that will happens....thought it woulda sold before now....if it doesnt sell soon, i might end up buying the shorter barrel for it afterall and keeping it got excited about the M1, because it seemed like a great deal...he must have realized it too ....but its not worth $500 plus $100 in gas plus my nova...thats $900....i was ok with $750 lol
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